Being “Lavished” Upon
By Susan Klein
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”
1 John 3:1
Yesterday, while sitting in a doctor’s waiting room, my teen-aged daughter and I paged through a back issue of People Magazine. The cover story featured a pop music star and the birth of her firstborn son. As we paged through the periodical we were amazed by the opulence and lavishness of her home. The nursery looked like a scene from an artistically crafted fairy tale. It took a full design team over four months to complete the $35,000, 600-square-foot room! In another photo the star posed elegantly, cradling her baby to her chest, in a full-length designer evening gown next to her in-ground pool shaped like a blue lagoon with a cascading waterfall. Many additional photos in the article boasted extravagantly furnished rooms and upscale clothing. I couldn’t help but wonder how long she would be able to maintain such a luxurious lifestyle, afforded her by her currently adoring fans. When her fame has dwindled, will she lose it all?By Susan Klein
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”
1 John 3:1
Recently, I heard a different message on what it means to be “lavished upon.” My pastor was reading from Ephesians chapter 1, and was speaking about our “new possessions in Christ.” In verses 7 & 8 it states, In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us (emphasis mine) with all wisdom and understanding. In this passage, the word “lavished” means to “superabound, exceedingly, abundantly, above.” The tense of the verb suggests that it is being accomplished by the subject, which is God, and that it is an assertion of fact. God has indeed given the believers in Christ great spiritual riches of forgiveness, redemption, wisdom and understanding, above and beyond anything the world has to offer! Verse six of the same passage says that God has freely given them to us through the One he loves. We don’t have to earn them!
The extravagances of this world must be earned, are dependant on other people and circumstances, and are temporary. They can be lost! We, as believers, have the security of knowing the riches that God has freely lavished on us are not dependant on anyone else and are permanently ours. Beginning right now and throughout this day, let’s focus on His gifts, and enjoy being lavished upon by Him!
1. How are you affected by the extravagances of the world?
2. Ask God to make you more aware of the gifts He has already lavished upon you.
Ephesians 1:3; Luke 12:13-21; Romans 5:17; Ecclesiastes 5:10-14
Susan is a wife and mother of two. She leads a small group and teaches for Tuesday a.m. Bible Study.