Fresh Start
By Karen D’Amore
“Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.”
Lamentations 3:23
Recently, one of my employees announced that she was relocating to another state. Leaving behind a troubled year riddled with personal and relational conflicts, this move was an opportunity for a fresh start. Having recently relocated myself, I was able to write a “goody-bye” and share words of hope and encouragement, drawing from my own well of experience. A move to a new land filled with strangers provided me an opportunity for a fresh start. Starting a new chapter in my life with no “burnt bridges,” no wounded relationships, and with no one remembering the old godless me, was incredibly liberating and refreshing.By Karen D’Amore
“Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.”
Lamentations 3:23
There have been moments when I wished that I could go back and re-do or re-live certain situations or relationships, knowing then…what I know now. And oh how I wish that I had chosen to live a life focused on Jesus much sooner then I did. What would it have felt like to have lived a life with “no regrets”? Have you ever reflected on your life and wished for a second chance?
The Bible brings us Good News! As believers in Christ, whether we relocate geographically or remain in our town of birth, we can have a “Fresh Start” with Jesus everyday of our life. We have the hope of knowing that if we have confessed our sins to Him, He will toss them as far as the east is from the west. We have the assurance that we are a new creation in Christ and the “old” has passed away. Whatever – and anything – the past holds, Jesus can use for our good and for His glory.
We can find rest and peace knowing that regardless of our circumstances and regardless of how badly we blow it…HIS mercies always begin afresh every morning.
1. What does a fresh start look like to you? If you have never found the everlasting fresh start in Jesus, what is keeping you from asking Him for it?
2. Is there someone in your life who is longing for a “second chance” or a “clean slate”? How can you lead them to a fresh start with Jesus?
3. In what area of your life do you need to apply this truth this very morning?
John 3:3-7; Romans 6:4; II Corinthians 5:17; Psalm 103:12
Married to husband Dan, Karen manages Intrigue hair salon, is the administrator for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study, and co-leads a freshman girls’ small group.