Monday, February 2, 2009

Casting off Cares
By Jen Wollner

“Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you.”
1 Peter 5:7

It seems as if the economic woes of our country are affecting all of us these days. People are losing their jobs or having their hours severely cut because of a lack of work. Others have taken huge hits to their retirement savings accounts and pensions. And still others who, while trying to sell their homes, either can’t find a buyer or have had to settle for much less than they had hoped. Not only that, but amidst these losses, so many of our prices are rising—groceries, school tuition, airline fees and the national debt, just to name a few! All of this turmoil is extremely unsettling. The situation feels so out of our control—and to a certain degree, it is.

But, there is Someone who is in complete control of our lives—Jesus. Scripture tells us that we can totally trust Him because He cares for us. He loves us deeply. He knows all that we need and promises to provide for us. In Matthew 6:26, Jesus says, “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?” Birds and other animals don’t ever worry about how they will get their next meal because the Lord takes care of them. We are so much more valuable to Him than the rest of creation and yet we often doubt and fret about how our needs will be met. More times than not we rely on ourselves to “make ends meet” instead of looking to Him for provision, don’t we? And while we certainly are called to do our part, it’s about His plan of provision…not ours. We get so wrapped up in our problems that we forget that He is on His throne. We forget that He is completely sovereign and nothing is out of His control.

Today, instead of worrying and being fearful about our financial situations and other troubles in life, let’s focus on Christ, casting all our anxieties on Him, so that we can have peace and comfort in these trying times.

1. What is causing you the most anxiety and fear during this financial crisis?
2. Are you finding it difficult to take God at His Word regarding His care for you? Do you believe that He will provide for your every need? If not, spend some time today asking Him to fill you with faith and peace.

Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-7

Jen and her husband are busily parenting three children under the age of 6. Jen heads Oakwood’s Fresh Start ministry.