Following the Master
By Shelly Schumacher
“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.”
Jeremiah 17:7
Running a marathon is not an easy task, but imagine running the entire thing without being able to see. When I competed in my third marathon, I was running behind a middle-aged couple. I had woken up that morning with a cold and did not have high aspirations for the results of my efforts. So, as I came up on mile eight, I was already in a bad mood. By Shelly Schumacher
“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.”
Jeremiah 17:7
It was then that I noticed from behind that the couple was holding hands. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I thought to myself. “Are they going to run this whole race holding hands? Give me a break.” In an effort to focus my attentions elsewhere, I made my move to pass them. Suddenly I noticed that they were not holding hands. She was, instead, tethered to him by a rope that was wrapped around her wrist. I also noticed that her eyes were closed and they were constantly talking to each other.
She was blind, and he was her guide through the throngs of runners! He told her what was coming up ahead, what was beneath their feet and where they were on the course…and she put her complete faith in his leading. Further along in the race, the same couple, the blind woman and her guide, passed me and I never saw them again. I later learned that they had run over 50 marathons together.
This is such a beautiful picture of the faith walk our heavenly Father desires for each of us. As we have complete faith in Him, we can be like that blind woman, with our hearts tethered to Him in complete submission to follow where He leads us.
1. Try this exercise with a friend -- Place several obstacles around your room. Close your eyes and have her hold your hand. With her hand and words only, try to maneuver your way around the obstacles. What were you thinking during the exercise? Did you trust your friend to help you through? Did you bump into anything or trip?
2. What real life obstacles get in your way as you attempt to fully trust the Lord and follow Him with your whole heart?
Psalm 2:12; Psalm 34:8; Proverbs 16:20
Shelly is wife to Nick and mom to her two girls. She spends her time freelancing as a writer/PR professional, and is active in Oakwood's worship and drama ministries.