His Strength in Adversity
By Shelly Schumacher
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.”
John 14:1
I am often struck by how people rise to overcome adversity in the midst of uncertainty. In January of 2008, Wesley Ngetich, Kenya’s hope for Olympic gold, was brutally murdered in a tribal war. Enter Samuel Kamau Wanjiru, seen by many as the dark horse in the Beijing marathon. By Shelly Schumacher
“Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.”
John 14:1
With the weight of his country’s pain riding on his shoulders, Wanjiru stood at the edge of Tiananmen Square to start the race with a field of nearly 100 other elite runners. Against insurmountable odds, he put aside his worry and went on to win the race, breaking an Olympic record to finish in 2:06:32 and bringing the first Olympic Marathon gold medal home to his violence-riddled nation.
In His final hours with His disciples, Jesus tells them not to be troubled. He senses their concern and apprehension about the things that are ahead, and He lovingly lets them know that there is no need for worry and fear. He comforts them, reassuring them that He is preparing a place for each of them in heaven and that He will come again. He had it all planned out for them. What reassuring words from the Master to His beloved.
We can have this same confidence by simply trusting in Jesus. Because He came to dwell among us, He knows the pain we face. Even if we are wearing the weight of the world on our shoulders, a relationship with Him will provide the peace we are seeking.
1. How do your typically react in the face of adversity? How would your responses be different if you consistently ran to the Master instead of running to doubt and worry?
2. Keep a journal of your trials and worries. In your daily devotions, take a moment to read over this list. Willfully, give your list to Jesus, knowing that He will lovingly see you through.
John 14:27; John 16:22, 24
Shelly is wife to Nick and mom to her two girls. She spends her time freelancing as a writer/PR professional, and is active in Oakwood's worship and drama ministries.