The Least of These
By Susan Klein
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Matthew 25:40
Recently, I visited a church in the inner-city area where I live. I knew vaguely of their existence, but had never actually been inside this church that meets in a park and recreation building. A dear friend of mine was delivering the message that morning, so I thought I’d go support her. By Susan Klein
“I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”
Matthew 25:40
What I saw tugged strongly at my heartstrings and left me feeling quite humbled! This church was full of “the least of these.” There were people from various ethnic backgrounds, some with debilitating physical conditions, others with ragged clothing and tattered hair, some shaky and uncertain due to addictions they were trying to quit, and many babies and toddlers carried by single moms. They came in the doors hoping to find a friendly face to greet them; wanting to feel like they “belonged” someplace where somebody might actually care.
I watched my friend walk through the rows of chairs, greeting each person she knew by name and asking questions about the welfare of their families. The ones she didn’t know, she made an effort to meet. When one toddler started to fuss during the praise time, his mother becoming visibly distressed, my friend picked the boy up in her arms and cajoled him, coaxing a smile from his precious face.
My eyes welled over with tears several times during the morning as I saw the love of Christ poured out to these needy people. If they needed a ride, they got one from the church van. If they needed some counseling for their addictions, they could receive that also. If their needs were clothing or food, the church tried to supply that as well. Activities were being planned for the kids who would be out of school over the summer and needed somewhere safe to go. They came because they found love there.
As I walked to my car after the service, I asked myself, “What am I doing for the least of these brothers?” If I am doing nothing for them, then I am doing nothing for my Savior, according to the verse above? I have always helped out when God has placed a needy person in my path, but I haven’t done well seeking them out.
Someday, when I stand before my Lord, and He asks, “What have you done for the least of these brothers?” I want to be able to say, “I showed them love!”
1. In what ways might God be nudging you to help someone needy in your area?
2. Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to actually seek them out?
Proverbs14:31; Deuteronomy 15:7-11; Matthew 5:42
Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.