Tuesday, October 13, 2009

His Loving Guidance
By Dawn Weimar

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

GPS- Global Positioning System. Truth be told, my first experience with GPS was nerve-racking. But I was motivated to find Santa Monica Beach as my love for the ocean was stronger than my fear of getting lost. After a beautiful few hours at the beach, it was clear that I would not witness a sunset as the hills were blocking my view. So, it was time to find my hotel before dark. Soon, my GPS had me on a breathtaking route called Topanga Canyon Road. Indeed breathtaking as I found myself “holding my breath” as I wound around the canyon roads climbing higher and higher. Just as I reached the top of the canyon and around another curve to the left, the sky opened to a most magnificent sunset. I gasped as I drove (which was good as I needed to breathe by this time), completely blessed knowing that what I could not plan on my own, but was an unspoken desire of my heart, was given to me as a gift at the precise moment of the apex from a perfect venue! And what a moment it was!

My heavenly Father taught me such a lesson from my experience using a satellite hovering over His creation. I knew and manually entered my destination into the GPS; the satellite in the heavens:
  • knew where I was
  • planned my route
  • prepared me to turn,
  • instructed me to turn, and
  • even rerouted me when I went the wrong way
GPS has turned a fearful traveler, unwilling to rent a car, into a fearless soul ready to greet a day behind the wheel into unknown territory with confidence and zeal. GPS is smarter than my natural ability and is something upon which I can rely when I am in unfamiliar territory. I am simply there to enjoy the ride.

In every day, in every moment, from the routine to the unexpected, our Heavenly Father has given us tools…empowered us with wisdom from the heavenlies…to guide us through the paths of our lives. Every moment to trust Him. Every moment to seek and to see Him. Every moment a blessing that we draw our next breathe. He is there. Look for His touch, His presence in your moments. His wisdom and guidance are so much more than our natural ability. And His capabilities are as useful and precious when we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory, as in the familiar. He’s better than the GPS!

1. In what simple way has God revealed His care and direction for you recently? Pray for God to freshly reveal His presence to you.

Psalm 121

Dawn is a wife and mother of three daughters, and is active in Oakwood's worship ministries. She's a pediatric nurse, currently working as VP of Business Development in Population Health Improvement.