A Mighty Hand and an Outstretched Arm
By Susan Klein
“To Him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt and brought Israel out from among them with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm…”
Psalm 136:12
What image most frequently comes to mind when you hear the name of God? Is it the all-powerful God who used His mighty hand to release the flood waters on a rebellious people, or annihilated a whole city in a matter of minutes while men marched around its walls? Or, do you more often picture the tender-hearted God with the loving arm outstretched to the widow whose jar of flour and jug of oil never ran dry, or to Hannah as He opened her barren womb and gave her the son she so desired?By Susan Klein
“To Him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt and brought Israel out from among them with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm…”
Psalm 136:12
It’s funny how we tend to see God in one light or the other, very often depending on our circumstances of the moment. When our country is devastated by terrorist attacks, we want to see the mighty hand of God pour forth His justice on these evildoers. Yet, when we are struggling with trials in our personal lives, we want to see His outstretched arm wrapped around our weary shoulders to ease our burden. Look at the verse above one more time. Our God is not an “either or” God. With the same appendage, He extends a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. And He often uses them both at the same time!
He used His mighty hand to crush the armies who pursued the Israelites, while at the same time stretching out His arm of protection and provision to His chosen as they fled through the desert, never leaving them lacking food or a place to rest. We also see His mighty hand extended as He destroys the corrupt cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and His outstretched arm as He spares Lot and his family by sending angels to warn them to flee.
He is the same God, mighty in battle and loving toward all He has made. He casts the wicked to the ground while sustaining the humble. With His mighty hand He administers justice and with His outstretched arm He welcomes all to reside in His eternal security. He is simultaneously just and loving.
Let’s not let circumstances cloud our vision so that we only see one aspect of our sovereign God. He is a great God, and He’s capable of and purposeful in doing many things at once!
1. How might circumstances cause you to think of God as unjust or unfair?
2. Can you think of times in your own life where you’ve witnessed God’s justice and love at the same time?
Job 36:5-7; Psalm 77:13-19; Psalm 146:6
Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.