Go to Jesus
By Elizabeth Cole
“Then they went and told Jesus.”
Matthew 14:12b
I did it. Really didn’t mean to…but in my frustration with a situation, I’d wounded my visiting mother-in-law. Rather than welcoming her into a problem-solving session with my husband, I’d asked her to let us resolve the issue alone. In retrospect, I’m quite sure my tone was as uninviting as my words.By Elizabeth Cole
“Then they went and told Jesus.”
Matthew 14:12b
Upon finding a solution, I headed downstairs to find her. We’re very close, and I knew by the look on her face at the time that I’d hurt her. I was right.
“Mom, I think that I offended you when I asked you to leave. Please forgive me.”
“Yes, I was cut to the quick…”
I started to interject with a more effusive apology, but she continued, “But I’m okay now. I was very upset when I left you, so I got my Bible and went to Jesus.”
She explained that when she opened up her devotional booklet to that day’s date, she read the Scripture, and then read as the devotional writer addressed honoring the boundaries others had set. Furthermore, he suggested that perhaps a situation in which the reader had been hurt was, in fact, a situation of misunderstood boundaries! It was this personal prompt from the Lord that allowed her to release her pain and give it immediately to Him in prayer. Done. What a tender God!
I have been regularly reminded of my mother-in-law’s precious example ever since. When I’ve been wounded, who do I tell first? When someone’s comments are bruising, where do I rush for comfort? I so want to follow in her footsteps and run to Jesus…first. He’s the One with everlasting comfort; He’s the One with beyond-circumstances peace; He’s the One who truly understands; He’s the One who can do something about my heart.
In Matthew 14, John the Baptist’s friends were grieving his murder. After burying their friend, what did they do first? They went and told Jesus.
Have you been hurt recently? Beloved, go to Jesus.
1. What is your pattern when someone hurts you with words? If need be, are you willing to change it and begin by going to Jesus first?
2 Corinthians 10:5; Hebrews 4:14-16; Philippians 4:6-8
Elizabeth is a wife, mother to three teen-aged daughters, and Director of Women’s Ministries at Oakwood Church.