Tuesday, February 16, 2010

By Pamela Blattner

“The Lord came to my support. He set me free in the open,
and rescued me, because He loves me.”
Psalm 19:20

I saw a beautiful young mom loving on her two kids at the grocery store this week. She glowed with natural beauty and radiant skin. I told her how awesome she looked and admired her calm demeanor as she stood in the check-out lane pushing the double-seated car cart in front of her. Her response? “Oh, yuck! I have to lose a ton of weight!”

Witnessing her disgust, I thought of the times that my husband gave me that certain look, and how I quickly discounted his glance because of my self-absorbed thoughts. I thought about the times I have noticed “the bulge” and been displeased with myself. I wonder why we just can’t accept ourselves, keep up a healthy lifestyle and leave it at that?! Could some of it be from the tabloids or pressure to be our svelte self of years ago? Have we, too, become appearance-driven, addicted to having ourselves look like the Barbies of our culture?

Does your body image get you down? Do you have a problem seeing yourself as God sees you? Christian women, many of us have fallen for the lie that our total value is determined by what we look like!

The Bible teaches that He is the Potter and we are His masterpiece. Whether we’re smooth, smart, light or dark, we’re all beautiful to our Creator. We’re so much more than we show on the outside. The most beautiful women I know are the ones whom I admire because they know Whose they are. Don’t believe the lie that you must be perfect, successful and beautiful to be loved by Him. Be all that He created you to be. Get yourself a “faith-lift.” And, remind other women of their value and beauty, too.

1. Do you believe, deep down, that you are beautiful because your Creator says you are? Talk to Him about your insecurities and allow Him to transform your mind so you can see your beauty through His eyes.

Psalm 13:5-6, 18:1-3; Matthew 12:28

Pam and her husband Richard have two adult children and two grandchildren. She serves Oakwood through its Family Care Ministries.