She’s in God’s Hands
By Dawn Weimar
“…Now I can see that you trust God and that you have not kept your son, your only son, from me."
Genesis 22:12b (NCV)
I believe that one of the hardest things for any young mother to do is to leave her baby with someone else and go back to work. I left my babies with my grandma, so the issue wasn’t concern that they wouldn’t be cared for…the issue was my leaving them.By Dawn Weimar
“…Now I can see that you trust God and that you have not kept your son, your only son, from me."
Genesis 22:12b (NCV)
My first day back to work, I was listening to the story of Abraham, who was tested by God when He asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. I was moved by how God provided a ram to be sacrificed in Isaac’s place, and by Abraham’s willingness to entrust his child’s very life to the Lord. Before the sermon was over and I stepped into work, I had to turn my baby over to God completely and put her in his hands. In fact, she belonged to God first before He ever sent her to me. It turned out that this was a very important step for me to make because within the next 24 hours I had to rush her to the hospital and soon after that, I stood over her crib as her heart stopped and a code ensued. I said to my husband, “She is in God’s hands.” Fortunately, her heart restarted at that moment.
I am grateful that God prepared me emotionally and spiritually for the days that followed. I knew that night after work that something was happening. When my daughter woke in the middle of the night, I knew I needed to get her into the hospital. I watched her decline in the hospital and told the doctors that the last baby I saw who presented as she did had died. That was just hours before she coded.
We went weeks without a diagnosis, yet God let me know she would be fine. Fortunately, I had just been listening to a three-week series on patience, since it took weeks for my daughter to open her eyes. She finally did on Easter Sunday.
Once she recovered, I returned to work again. We still had many hurdles to overcome, but God did provide a way and it all began with trusting Him completely. I am blessed that her outcome was a best-case scenario, not all are. I had already trusted one little life to God that could not remain on this earth; I’ve known the tears of anguish for a child. But, more importantly, I know a God who cares for us whether we are on earth or taken to heaven. Can you trust Him today?
1. For what do you need to dig in and trust God completely today?
2. If you have children, have you given them back to God, trusting Him for their life, health and protection?
Genesis 22:1-19 along with Hebrews 11:17-19; Psalm 139
Dawn is a wife and mother of three daughters, and is active in Oakwood's worship ministries. She's a pediatric nurse, currently working as VP of Business Development in Population Health Improvement.