Play Dough
By Elin Henderson
“We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed.”
2 Corinthians 4:8, 9 (NKJV)
When was the last time you sat down with some little ones and worked with play dough? Molding it, squishing it, pressing it into different shapes? Do you ever feel like that piece of play dough, being shoved into one of those forms and pressed down until you come out looking like spaghetti? Is the weight of the world on your shoulders, overwhelmingly pressing you down? Perplexed? Persecuted? Struck down? It leaves you feeling limp and worn out, used and empty. By Elin Henderson
“We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed.”
2 Corinthians 4:8, 9 (NKJV)
Paul reminds us in 2 Corinthians 4 that suffering can sometimes feel just like we are pieces of play dough being pressed through uncomfortable, tight molds. Yet, while suffering is a natural part of life and a part of being conformed more to His image, it isn’t fatalistic. He didn’t just leave us with “You will be pressed down, perplexed, persecuted and struck down… deal with it!” No, there is hope beyond the pain. The hand that is applying the pressure to the dough knows the limits of it!
Pressed down? Yes, but NOT CRUSHED! His goal isn’t to crush and destroy us but to mold and shape us! Perplexed? Waiting for answers that just don’t come? Waiting for God to do a work but nothing is happening? Confused as to who He is and what is going on in your life, or the lives of others around you? Perplexed yes, but NOT IN DESPAIR! In Him lies hope, and when the time is right His plans will be revealed. Have you been wrongfully accused? Feeling persecuted, maybe put down and brought low? But you are NOT FORSAKEN! He will never leave or forsake you. How about struck down? Feeling left abandoned? Maybe it is your own doing, or perhaps the doings of another? Yet, you are NOT DESTROYED! He faithfully keeps you in the palm of His hand.
This passage of Scripture answers the cries of our heart when are experiencing difficult circumstances. Let us remember the promises that accompany each painful feeling. May we be play dough in His hands!
1. Think of an area of your life where you are experiencing one of these sufferings. How do these promises encourage your heart today?
2. How can we encourage others using this passage when we see them going through “play dough” experiences?
1 Peter 4:16-19; 2 Timothy 3:12; Philippians 1:29
Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa. Elin is mother to ten-year-old Callie and seven-year-old Elias.