Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lost And Found
By Susan Klein

“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:8

Have you ever looked so hard for something but you just couldn’t find it...only to discover that it was right under your nose the whole time?!! I remember an hour-long search for some missing keys once that ended up being in my pocket the whole time. And recently, a friend and I had agreed to meet in a certain lobby, but when we arrived, there was a sea of people. After much looking, I spied her on the opposite side of the room. I could see her eyes darting all over in search of me. As I began to close the gap between us, I started flailing my arms and calling out her name, but she still did not see me. I was afraid she’d walk away before I reached her! Even when I got within arms’ length of her, she still looked above the crowd to find me. I had to actually reach out and touch her arm for her to see that I was standing right in front of her!

We all search for things, be they lost items, answers to difficult questions, or our purpose in life. But, do we always look in the right places? When you have a question, are you quick to Google or go to Or, perhaps you “phone a friend.” If you’ve misplaced something, do you enlist the help of your spouse or children or do you frantically search by yourself? If you are not sure what to do with your career or the free time on your hands, do you enlist the many job-search engines available or check the “help needed” section of the paper or your Sunday bulletin?

While all of these may be valid ideas, they should not take first priority in our search. We have a God who is always present, and immediately accessible. We should take our petition to Him first before taking it to someone or something else for help. He so desires to be our source of strength and guidance.

And, we have His Word, the Bible, as our search engine. It never needs refreshing or updating; it stands eternal! It is pure, practical, and full of promise. It gives information, instruction and insight into all of life’s questions.

If we seek in the right place, we will find!

1. What questions or lost items (opportunities, relationships...) do you need to take to the One who can help you find answers or solutions?
2. Make it a goal today to be intentional about seeking God and His Word before using other search helps.

Psalm 19:8; Roman 15:4; 2Timothy 3:16

Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in youth outreach ministry.