No Quick Fix
By Susan Klein
“He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver....”
Malachi 3:3a
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve desired a “quick fix” or a rapid resolution to your dilemma? Perhaps you’ve not clung to that New Year’s resolution of taking better care of your body and now desire to be back in great physical shape - - in a huge hurry! For some, it might be that the accumulation of unpaid bills over a period of time and the lure from the television ads of a “speedy solution” to get out from under their financial burden seem quite appealing! Unfortunately, a quick fix isn’t always possible.By Susan Klein
“He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver....”
Malachi 3:3a
I experienced this firsthand recently when I developed an affliction that required medical attention. I went to the doctor, had a quick minor procedure done, and believed that was the end of it. Four days later, the affliction worse, I returned to the doctor and received a different treatment that we hoped would bring rapid relief. Not so! Two days later, I was being informed that I required surgery, which would involve a very lengthy recovery time. Not exactly the quick fix I desired and had fervently prayed for! God had a different plan for me.
As I spent the next few weeks trying to be still and allow my body to heal, God also did a refining work in my heart. Not only did He help me to heal physically, but He allowed healing to take place in some other areas of my life that I had struggled with and had not taken the time to properly address with Him. The refinement of my heart might have been missed had he allowed a “quick fix” in my body to take place.
Just as precious metals need refining under high heat and prolonged pressure to bring out their brilliance, so God allows us to endure our own heated moments and sometimes lengthy times of trial so that He may refine us; that He may make our righteousness shine like the dawn (Psalm 37:6), and make us into a brilliant reflection of Him. He who began the good work in us will be faithful to carry it on to completion (Philippians1:6), but that takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight!
The next time your prayers for a quick-fix or a speedy solution don’t seem to be answered, take time to see what better things God might be trying to show you during the process!
1. Can you resist the urge to “quick-fix?” Are you willing to withstand the heat and pressure of refinement so as to reap the blessings of a closer walk with God?
James 1:2-4, 12
Susan is our Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She is also involved in youth outreach ministry.