By Kari Lyles
“My soul is overwhelmed…”
Matthew 26:38
Suitcases up from the basement – check. Summer clothes sorted and in the laundry room – check. Extra snacks and water purchased – check. Kids’ activity bags for the car ride packed – check. Sticky notes of other reminders written – check.
Sanity….Needs to be checked!
Our family is leaving for spring break this year and I am trying to be superwoman to get everything done. I am one of those people who likes to have everything spotless when I walk out the door so that when we return and walk back into life’s hustle and bustle, it will be a smooth transition.
In the midst of my trying to organize, I am becoming un-organized and a bit unraveled.
Tonight, I was thinking of some of the things I still wanted to do and as “bring Easter baskets up from the basement” floated into my mind, I thought about the true meaning of the season upon us. I thought about the many little things that easily overwhelm me in my tiny corner of the world and I thought about how Jesus, a little over 2,000 years ago, had a journey He too was getting ready for.
I opened my Bible and went to Matthew, looking up the chapters describing the days leading to His crucifixion. As He got ready for His journey to the Cross, Jesus said to His friends, “my soul is overwhelmed.”
We all need a little perspective now and then. Tonight, it was the smallness I felt as I thought about the journey He took for you and for me to the Cross. He was adamant, single-minded and gracious as He bore our sins on the Cross.
So, I am once again asking Him to rule in my life - - in place of my to-do’s and good intentions. And when I think I am overwhelmed because my counters didn’t get wiped off…I read about His journey to the Cross for a little perspective.
1. What are you overwhelmed with? Will you allow our capable Lord to help you in your journey?
2. How does the thought of Jesus taking our sins on the Cross change your perspective today? How does it help you leave some of your worldly concerns at the foot of that Cross?
Matthew 26:36-45; John 10:10
Kari is a wife and mother to two girls. She works as a regional sales manager at MAX-R in Sussex. She is involved in Oakwood’s drama ministry.