Thursday, February 23, 2012

Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities
By Karen D’Amore

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”
Romans 8:28 (NLT)

Stress poisoned me the moment I encountered the “obstacle.” A scheduling error would require me to perform services on a new client, with inadequate time to complete the scheduled services.  Leaving on her honeymoon, this new bride’s night of pampering could not be re-scheduled. Booked for multiple services with various technicians, I had  to finish her in a timely manner. With two days to stew over the error, and obsess over my fear of failing…I could only hope she’d cancel her appointment!

An hour before her scheduled arrival, my stomach reeled with tension. Tension erupted into panic when she finally arrived…extremely late. I was beside myself, unable to reconcile how I’d complete the services with the extreme time deficit. Desiring to bless this new bride, I didn’t want to shorten or eliminate any elements of the service.

Traumatized by a horrendous day, compounded by the stress of her late arrival, she spiraled into a sobbing meltdown. Inconsolable, I delayed her service until she found composure. I nearly choked on a reassuring response to her profusive apology for the late arrival. Desperation FINALLY provoked me to pray! Prayer incited peace as O entrusted my obstacles to God. Compelling me to extend compassion to this woman, my focus shifted from my obstacles to an opportunity to minister.

Completing her services with one minute to spare, I saw God stretch my time, and infuse my hands with the supernatural ability to complete services, more extensive than initially scheduled. With a parting hug, she expressed gratitude for my compassion and the ability to turn her difficult day into a delight.

As Christ-followers, we can trust that everything which passes through our lives, was first sifted through God’s hands and allowed for His purpose. Distraction with an “obstacle” impaired my ability to acknowledge and welcome God’s sovereign purpose. Paralyzed by the fear of failure…I wanted the “obstacle” eliminated. But God had allowed  that unwanted obstacle for my good. A faith-building lesson in His supernatural power:  Confidence comes from Him and His power is made perfect in our weakness. God purposed a Divine Appointment…filled with errors… to make the impossibleHim-possible. He turned an obstacle  into an opportunity  to not only strengthen my faith, but to also minister to a stranger.

Remember… “His ways are not our ways!” (Isaiah 55:8b) Embrace your obstacles… trusting in God’s good purpose to use those obstacles  as opportunities  to bring Him glory!

1. Memorize Romans 8:28, trusting its promise in everything (even obstacles) He’s allowed to pass through your life.


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon.  She’s a leader for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and a volunteer at the Wildlife In Need Center.