The God Who Sees
By Carolyn Hulliberger
“…You are the God who sees me…”
Genesis 16:13
By Carolyn Hulliberger
“…You are the God who sees me…”
Genesis 16:13
Imagine a young, unmarried, pregnant woman with no home, no family, and no future. She has no education, no means of providing for the child she carries. She has been used and abandoned emotionally by the child’s father, treated harshly by his family. Seeing no other options, she runs away. The future is bleak…there is no one to help…what will become of her?
When all appears hopeless, an angel of the LORD comes to her. He speaks to her…the unwed mother…the homeless wanderer. He has specific instructions from God himself. She is to name her son “God hears.” God will make her descendents too numerous to count. He has a plan for HER! Her response, in what I imagine to be an astonished whisper, is, “I have now seen the One who sees me.” She has not been abandoned….she has been seen by a God who cares deeply about her and her unborn child. And while the angel instructs her to return to her child’s father, she is no longer alone.
This is no “Movie of the Week.” It is the story of Hagar, an Egyptian slave and the mother of Abraham’s first son, Ishmael. The culture of the Old Testament book of Genesis allowed masters to keep slaves, to treat the slaves as they wished, and for female slaves to bear children in place of their master’s wives. On the ladder of society, these female slaves were the bottom rung. They were given no rights, no freedoms, no opinions. Surely God would not take notice of one such as this.
Have you ever felt like God doesn’t notice what’s going on in your life? That you couldn’t be important to Him? “Hagar’s God is the One who numbers the hairs on our heads and who knows our circumstances, past, present, and future.” (1) In our places of desolation, God is intimately aware of our hurts, our troubles, our sorrows. His care for us is personal, intimate and individual. The psalmist writes, “I lift up my eyes to the hills…where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth…The LORD will keep you from all harm…he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” Psalm 121: 1-2, 7-8.
Know today that God sees you, He cares about you, and you are never alone.
1. Are you feeling weak in the face of today’s challenges? Pray for strength to keep your eyes fixed on the One who sees you.
2. How have you experienced God’s watchful care?
2 Chronicles 16:9; Proverbs 15:3
(1) © 2004. Praying the Names of God, Ann Spangler, page 27.
with caring for her husband, two children and the dog, Carolyn serves Oakwood
Church in Student Ministries with an awesome group of junior high girls, and is
the treasurer for Women’s Ministries.