Friday, September 21, 2012

Act Love Walk
By Tracy Smith

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you? 
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with our God." 
Micah 6:8
This has always been one of my favorite Bible verses. Recently on Pinterest[1], I saw a project that was labeled as a craft for the kids, but I want to do something like it for myself! It is the words "Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly" stacked on top of each other in three different lines. Layered under the words "Act Justly" is a pair of handprints. Under the words "Love Mercy" is a drawn heart. And under the words "Walk Humbly" is a pair of footprints. I think that is genius - - it perfectly illustrates the verse by pulling out the three action words: act, love and walk.

Act justly. Merriam-Webster online defines just as, “acting or being in conformity with what is morally upright or good.”[2] How do we find out what is upright and good? His Word.

Love mercy. I once heard mercy described this way: not getting what you deserve. The Lord showed us mercy in not allowing us to “get what we deserve,” which is an eternity separated from Him. We are called to show the same type of mercy to those who hurt us. Not always an easy thing to do.

Walk humbly with our Lord. We need to stay in step with our Lord. If we are walking with Him, our path will stay on course. If we are walking with our Lord, we will find the strength to love mercy and act justly.

I have “pinned” the artwork on my Pinterest board; now I need to “pin” the verse onto my heart!

1. Which action word from Micah 6:8 do you struggle with most?
2. Can you commit to praying and asking God to help you make strides in this area of your life?


[1] Pinterest is an online social photo-sharing website comprised of “pinboards” collected and posted by theme

Along with being a wife and mother to two boys, Tracy is an administrative assistant at Oakwood, serves on the Women’s Ministry Special Events Team and leads a great group of Junior High girls.