Strength in Weakness
By Susan Klein
“My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.”
2 Corinthians 12:9a NIV
By Susan Klein
“My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.”
2 Corinthians 12:9a NIV
As my husband and I strolled through the butterfly exhibit
at the Milwaukee Public Museum, I was in awe of the winged beauties that
gracefully flitted about in rainbows of color. Toward the back of this
delightful exhibit, I was drawn to a glass enclosure on the wall filled with
cocoons of various sizes. As I gazed at these tiny suspended marvels, I noticed
that some of them were moving! One in particular had a partially-emerged
butterfly, wriggling and squeezing, trying to force its delicate body from its
protective wrapper. It seemed to struggle greatly, not making much progress in
the few minutes that I watched. Several of the other cocoons were alive with
activity as each butterfly went through this painstakingly long ordeal of
trying to free itself.
When my daughter was younger, I remember reading a story to her about a girl who had tried to “help” one such butterfly emerge from its cocoon. She felt sorry for the poor little creature, struggling so greatly to escape. She decided to gently tear the cocoon open to ease its pain. Much to her dismay, the butterfly immediately fell to the ground, unable to move its wings. Her grandmother came upon the sight and had to explain that the little butterfly needed to go through this painful struggle to help strengthen its wings for flight. Having been spared of the struggle, it would unlikely be able to fly now.
As our Creator has uniquely designed this process for the butterfly to strengthen its wings and prepare it to fly, so He has also allowed us to go through struggles to strengthen us and prepare us for our journey. As we wiggle and squirm, trying to escape the pressure of our painful circumstances, we become weak and weary. But God tells us that His strength (or power) is made perfect in our weakness. Unlike the butterfly, we don’t have to depend upon our own strength to emerge from our difficulties. God not only equips us with His mighty power, but in the process He also strengthens us and develops perseverance in us.
Just as the butterfly perseveres through struggle to mature into a beautiful winged creature, James tells us that the testing of our faith produces perseverance, so that we might be mature and complete, not lacking anything! Take joy in knowing that your Creator is watching you grow into a mature beauty!
1. What struggle(s) are you dealing with that are causing you to feel weak? Are you trusting in the power of God to get you through?
2. Can you recall past struggles that you have emerged from, now strengthened and having persevered?
Isaiah 41:10; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31; Hebrews 11:32-34
When my daughter was younger, I remember reading a story to her about a girl who had tried to “help” one such butterfly emerge from its cocoon. She felt sorry for the poor little creature, struggling so greatly to escape. She decided to gently tear the cocoon open to ease its pain. Much to her dismay, the butterfly immediately fell to the ground, unable to move its wings. Her grandmother came upon the sight and had to explain that the little butterfly needed to go through this painful struggle to help strengthen its wings for flight. Having been spared of the struggle, it would unlikely be able to fly now.
As our Creator has uniquely designed this process for the butterfly to strengthen its wings and prepare it to fly, so He has also allowed us to go through struggles to strengthen us and prepare us for our journey. As we wiggle and squirm, trying to escape the pressure of our painful circumstances, we become weak and weary. But God tells us that His strength (or power) is made perfect in our weakness. Unlike the butterfly, we don’t have to depend upon our own strength to emerge from our difficulties. God not only equips us with His mighty power, but in the process He also strengthens us and develops perseverance in us.
Just as the butterfly perseveres through struggle to mature into a beautiful winged creature, James tells us that the testing of our faith produces perseverance, so that we might be mature and complete, not lacking anything! Take joy in knowing that your Creator is watching you grow into a mature beauty!
1. What struggle(s) are you dealing with that are causing you to feel weak? Are you trusting in the power of God to get you through?
2. Can you recall past struggles that you have emerged from, now strengthened and having persevered?
Isaiah 41:10; 1 Corinthians 1:27-31; Hebrews 11:32-34
Susan is a We Women Bible Study
Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark enjoy tutoring
and working with inner-city youth.