Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Thorough Weeding
By Susan Klein

“What was sown among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth come in and choke it, making it unfruitful.”

I love to garden and I love flowers. I don’t, however, love weeds! With the abundance of rain we’ve had so far this summer, they’ve become like a metastatic cancer in my flower beds. I can barely keep up with them! And if it’s not the weeds encroaching on my beautiful blossoms, it’s aphids or beetles. So, I’ve weeded, and I’ve sprayed, and I’ve fertilized. And just when I thought I had everything looking picture-perfect, the roofers came. Now my flower beds have flying shingles and plastic tarps to contend with. I hope they are strong enough to survive!

In the Gospels, Jesus tells a parable about a farmer who went out to sow his seed. Some seeds fell among the weeds and the tender shoots were choked out, unable to produce any fruit. As I battle the weeds in my own flower beds, I can kind of empathize with that farmer. However, when I read the rest of the story, I see Jesus explaining the real meaning of the parable to the disciples. In essence, He says that when we hear the Word of God, and we don’t have strong roots in our faith, we are like those tender shoots when hardships and the worries of life (weeds) sneak in. We can’t stand firm and we are overcome by them. 

I have to wonder…what are the weeds, or the bugs, or the flying shingles that encroach on my faith, rendering it unfruitful? Am I spiritually strong enough to stay firmly rooted where I’ve been planted? Do I rely on scriptural truths in every circumstance, or does “Doubting Thomas” become my nickname the minute those weeds start creeping in? And how much time do I spend nurturing the seed that’s been planted in me?

Sometimes, a bit of fertilizer and a good, thorough weeding are in order. While it’s true that struggles and hardship are inevitable, we don’t have to let them overtake us. A healthy dose of God’s Word, along with some prayer mixed in, can be a great remedy for weak roots. And, pulling out those  “worry” weeds on a regular basis; trusting in the Master Gardener instead, will go a long way to promote fruitfulness in our lives.

So, what’s growing in your garden?!!

1. What steps can you take to ensure you’re standing strong against the encroaching weeds of this life?


Susan is a We Women Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark enjoy tutoring and working with inner-city youth.