Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Be Ready…Live Expectantly!
By Karen D’Amore

“Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

My antenna was raised…my awareness piqued…God had my attention! In the course of one  day, a sermon, a Facebook post and a song all conveyed the same message. On that first Sunday after Christmas, Thomas Freeman preached from 1 Thessalonians and incited my holiday fatigue with this poignant thought: “We speak more often of Christ’s birth, death, and resurrection…than we do of His return.” Reiterating that we will each give an account for how we lived our life here on earth, Thomas challenged us to “live like Jesus is coming back any minute” and “to allow Christ’s return to direct our lives.”

Hours later, as Midwesterners braced themselves for a projected bitter freeze, a Facebook post read:

“PEOPLE…Tell them bad weather is coming and they prepare!
Tell them Jesus is coming…and they do nothing!”
You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” Luke 12:40

Just before sundown, the radio blasted an old familiar Crystal Lewis song. I found myself singing along: “People get ready…Jesus is comin’…soon we’ll be going home!”

The repetitive messages provoked me to listen up and pay attention. I found it interesting that within 216 New Testament chapters, there were over 300 references to the return of Christ and I too find it something I rarely think or speak about. And as I introspectively considered Thomas’s challenge, I pondered deeply, “Am I living every minute like I’m ready for Jesus to return? And what exactly does that look like?” 1 John 2:28 says, “And now, dear children, continue in Him, so that when He appears we may be confident and unashamed before Him at His coming.” In light of it, I’m challenged to consider: would I be thinking, speaking or engaged in any activity I would be ashamed of should Jesus suddenly return?

As Christ-followers, we needn’t be overly concerned with when  Christ returns, but how we live until He returns. We’re not to just sit idly waiting, but rather to continually live conscious, alert, God-honoring lives. Scripture not only reveals everything we need to know regarding Christ’s return, but also how to live “rapture ready” lives until then.
Jesus is  coming back! Are you ready?!

1.  Evaluate your thoughts, activities and priorities…in light of Christ’s return…and consider your readiness.


Married to Dan, Karen, a retired police officer, currently works as a Manicurist at Craig Berns Salon and Foot Care Specialist at Shorehaven Senior Facility. She’s on the Oakwood Women’s Ministry Special Events planning team.