Time of Adjustment
Lexi Ellis
I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and I
will restore your fortunes and will gather you..."
Jeremiah 29:14a (ESV)
Our nine-month-old
puppy, Calvin, loves to have a “puppy playdates” with my parents’ dog, Riley.
Calvin has grown up with Riley, but now that Calvin is bigger, he’s not as
easily pushed around like when he was younger. While both dogs genuinely enjoy
each other, there always seems to be a time of adjustment whenever I bring
Calvin over. Calvin pushes the envelope and will go over to Riley, put his paws
on Riley’s side and “stand up,” attempting to elevate his head above Riley’s.
Riley, being the bigger and in-charge dog, isn’t too fond of Calvin’s attempts
to upset the fruit basket. There’s occasional growling (nothing inappropriately
aggressive), but clearly communicating and figuring it out. Then, ten minutes
in, they’re best friends. Every time, it’s an identical beginning scene.
It makes me think of
the “times of adjustment” I’ve had to go through: unexpected changes, conflict
or challenges that upset the status-quo or didn’t go the way I was expecting. Chosen
or not, the boat’s been rocked and I feel shaky. Feelings of tension, fear,
uneasiness and insecurity usually ensue as I struggle to be “top dog” of the
situation or challenge. I long for the time of adjustment to be over so I can have
(perceived, of course) everything back under control.
And yet, like Calvin
and Riley’s beginning ritual, times of adjustment do not last forever. Often they’re
necessary for the joy and plain-old-fun that awaits. As I look back on those
times of adjustment, I have had the privilege of seeing God at work, or something
was learned, or something better resulted.
In the verse above, Israel was
going through a time of adjustment.
(They’re in exile!) Earlier in this chapter, God says He knows and has prosperous,
hope-filled plans (Jeremiah 29:11). Through it all, God says that even in the
midst of their times of adjustment - - and our times, as well - - He will be
found, He will deliver and restore.
Right now, Calvin and
Riley are running around, taking turns with a green ball. Despite any rocky
starts, there’s good to come. We know God promises that all works out to His
glory, and often we’ve seen His hand at work in the past. May we be those who
choose to depend on Him in the midst of times of adjustment.
What are some current times of adjustment in your life or a friend’s? What Scriptural
promises and attributes do you know of God during this time of adjustment?
Think of past times of adjustment in your life or a friend’s. How did you see
God at work?
is married to Andrew, has an adorable puppy named Calvin, and serves with
Children’s Ministries. She teaches fourth grade at Lake Country
Christian Academy
and is the Fresh Start Coordinator.