Unchanging Love
By Jen Wollner
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)
By Jen Wollner
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8 (NIV)
Two years ago, I read a
story about a woman who struggled for years with infertility. She desperately
wanted a baby, but because of physical obstacles, it was proving to be a
difficult goal to achieve. She went through tests and fertility treatments and
nothing worked. At the beginning of the journey, she was very positive and
hopeful that the Lord would answer her prayer for a child and she waited
patiently, trusting Him for it. But, as the months and years wore on, she
became weary and doubtful that it would ever happen. She was angry and bitter
toward God because of the pain she had to endure. Just when she was about to
completely give up, she became pregnant…and delivered a healthy, full-term baby
boy. It was truly a miracle considering her circumstances and health problems!
As she reflected on her journey to becoming a mother, she said, “Even amidst my ugliness, and questioning and hatred I was expressing toward God, His plan still stood…He didn't let go of me when I let go of Him. He didn't change His mind or take away this blessing because of the way I acted. To me, that is extraordinary love. Extraordinary grace…He didn't take back the gift He had in store for us because of my actions…I realized in a fresh way how very much He loves me. In all my ugliness and in all my shunning and mistrust, He gave me what I didn't deserve.”
What profound truth! He never leaves us. He never changes. His will always comes to pass…it is always because of His faithfulness to us. There is nothing we can do or not do to change the unconditional, deep love He has for us. He isn’t even capable of loving us any more or less than He already does.
When we doubt Him, He is there. When we question Him, He answers. And, when we shake our fist at Him, He loves us. What incredible security we have in Jesus—who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow—and whose love for us can never change!
1. Do you believe that God loves you deeply and that, no matter what, that love can never change? If you struggle to believe this, ask Him to show you His unwavering love today.
Hebrews 13:5; Psalm 36:5; Psalm 40:5
As she reflected on her journey to becoming a mother, she said, “Even amidst my ugliness, and questioning and hatred I was expressing toward God, His plan still stood…He didn't let go of me when I let go of Him. He didn't change His mind or take away this blessing because of the way I acted. To me, that is extraordinary love. Extraordinary grace…He didn't take back the gift He had in store for us because of my actions…I realized in a fresh way how very much He loves me. In all my ugliness and in all my shunning and mistrust, He gave me what I didn't deserve.”
What profound truth! He never leaves us. He never changes. His will always comes to pass…it is always because of His faithfulness to us. There is nothing we can do or not do to change the unconditional, deep love He has for us. He isn’t even capable of loving us any more or less than He already does.
When we doubt Him, He is there. When we question Him, He answers. And, when we shake our fist at Him, He loves us. What incredible security we have in Jesus—who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow—and whose love for us can never change!
1. Do you believe that God loves you deeply and that, no matter what, that love can never change? If you struggle to believe this, ask Him to show you His unwavering love today.
Hebrews 13:5; Psalm 36:5; Psalm 40:5
Jen and her husband are busily parenting three elementary-aged children. She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.