Friday, February 12, 2016

Pop Quiz
By Elin Henderson

“That they may set their hope in God, and NOT forget the works of God, but keep His commandments…”
 Psalms 78:7 (NKJV)

Much to the chagrin of many a student, a teacher knows that to be able to gauge how much a student really understands (down deep), there is one dreaded tool: the pop quiz

It is that element of surprise that shows whether the students have grasped and held on to things, or if it was just flittering at the surface. It’s a good gauge for the teacher to see what specific area he/she needs to re-engage the student in. Usually it means, reteach the content than REPEAT the pop quiz until the student really grasps it. 

Do you ever feel that God sends sudden pop quizzes into your life? Everything in life is progressing normally…we said the pledge of allegiance; we opened our books; everyone is smiling and happy and then - - BAM! A pop quiz is suddenly laid down on our desk! 

We start working through the questions and quickly realize, “Ahh! I don’t know this!” What do you do then? Quit, give up, get angry? We think, “If only I had had time to prepare, I could have tampered down those ugly emotions and come up with the right answer.”

Nobody experienced more pop quizzes than the people of Israel in the wilderness. One after the other came their way!  Sadly, in Psalm 78, the summary/result of these quizzes wasn’t too positive. They hardened their hearts and didn’t remember His mighty works! 

God often sends these pop quizzes to show us the areas where we need to learn and grow. The suddenness of them throws open the doors of our hearts and shows us the areas where His light needs to shine! Instead of shying away from them, quitting or getting angry, we need to honestly work through them - - even if it means failing this time around. 

Yep, our job in pop quizzes is to learn  from them. What is that old saying? “If you don’t learn from history, you are destined to repeat it!” The same could be said for our pop quizzes in life. Lest we end up with the same fate as the sad children of Israel, let’s learn from our failures, keep our hearts right before God, and not forget the mighty works He has done for us.

GOING DEEPER:                                                       
1.      Have you experienced any pop quizzes that just won’t stop repeating themselves? What could be the thing that God is trying to reveal to you in and through them?
2.      Remember. What mighty works has God done that will help you pass this quiz?

Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson (a registered nurse) and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa.  Elin is mother to fifteen-year-old Callie and thirteen-year-old Elias.