Friday, April 15, 2016

He is Yahweh
By Brita Crouse

“Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted; His splendor is above the earth and the heavens.”

This year, I have been reading through a daily devotional on the different names of God. [1] So far, it has been such a learning experience. God has A LOT of names because He possesses so many amazing characteristics! The one recurring name I have found to be most interesting is Yahweh.

We first see this name of God come up in Exodus 3:14. Moses has been called by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. He has been instructed by God to talk to Pharaoh and to introduce himself to the Israelites as their leader, but of course he is scared and doesn’t want to do it. Moses asks God this question in verse 11 (NIV): "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?" God’s authoritative and empowering reply to Moses is: “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'”

Yahweh. I Am. The Lord. This is the name God has given Himself. There is power in this name. Here are some examples of that:

Yahweh- The Lord, I AM
Yahweh Jireh- The Lord will provide
Yahweh Rapha- The Lord who heals
Yaweh Nissi- The Lord my banner
Yahweh Sabaoth- The Lord of hosts
Yahweh Shalom- The Lord is peace
Yahweh Tsidkenu- The Lord our righteousness
Yahweh Mekoddishkem- The Lord who sanctifies you
Yahweh Rohi- The Lord my Shepherd
Yahweh Shammah- The Lord is there

Knowing how many characteristics God has calls for respect and reverence. There is no one like Him! Knowing how many names God has should change the way we see God and deepen our relationship with Him. He is the source of everything. He is Lord.

His Word is filled with His many different names and we are blessed because He is all of these things and more to each one of us.

1.   Listen to “He is Yahweh” by Vineyard Worship. ( How do these names of God apply to you in your everyday life?
2.  Pick any Bible passage. Read through it and write a list of the names of God that were found in or inspired by that passage. 
3.  *Extra Reading: John Piper’s blog post, “Yahweh is the Sweetest Name I Know.”


Brita is currently working toward her Master’s in Counseling at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She has called Oakwood her home church for the past seventeen years.

[1] Ava Pennington, Daily Reflections on the Names of God (Grand Rapids, MI: Revell, 2010), 26-28, 47-73.