Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cloudy Skies Make the Best Sunsets
by Jeannine Sawall

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
Psalm 19:1 (NIV)

Gray skies, wind and rain...NOT the best beach day. It was the first day of our girls’ getaway and the weather was not cooperating. We were here for some sun and fun and could have done without the liquid sunshine. All day long, the clouds remained and the rain steadily continued from a light drizzle to a torrential downpour. The cloudy skies damped our spirits and we begrudgingly went on to plan B for the day.

That evening, the rains finally stopped, but clouds still littered the sky. We decided to head down to the beach to see if we'd catch a glimpse of a sunset. We were not disappointed. The sky was lit with golds, ambers and russets. Each cloud was awash in sunlight painting the sky in vibrant beauty. As the sun continued to set, the reflections off the clouds turned to stunning violets, pinks and reds...a symphony of color only God can create. The heavens declared the glory of God!!

As we stood on the beach overcome by the sheer beauty before us, it made me realize that without the storm clouds, the sunset would not have had the depth and dimension of beauty before me. The reflection of sunlight off the myriad of clouds scattered across the entire sky created the masterpiece before us. We would have missed the beauty of the evening had there been no storm during the day.

How often in our lives does God work in similar ways? When we have seasons of trials and tribulations, we complain about the storm we are walking through. We long for the simple days of sunshine and wish the rain away. Yet it is during these stormy times in our lives we go deeper with Him. We learn more of His character when seasons of rain cloud our days. It is when the wind and waves overwhelm us and we are drowning, we reach up to our Help and Salvation. And when the rains stop, the winds die and the sun shines once again, the beauty now reflected in our lives is another of God's masterpieces. It reminds us that the clouds that came floating into our lives no longer carry rain or usher in storms, but add color and depth to our lives and reflect the glory of God once again.

1.      When storms cloud your day, whom do you trust?
2.       How do you recognize the masterpiece God is creating in your life?


Jeannine is a wife and mother of four great boys. She works in the property management business. Jeannine serves in several behind-the-scenes ministries at Oakwood and has a heart for those who are grieving.