Blessings in the Back
By Carolyn Hulliberger
“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
Psalm 100:5 (NIV)
“Well, Lord, I got here…late. I think that’s the best I can do
today,” I thought, dropping into the chair toward the back of the church.
Emotional, physical, and spiritual exhaustion threatened to overwhelm me. I
started my God-conversation in my head as I settled in, dumping on Him about
all the issues going on in my life. It seemed there were just too many demands,
and too little of me lately.
From my vantage point in the back, I stopped long enough to take
a look around - - and was stunned at the blessings of God represented in the
families around me. There were newborn babies; multiple generations of family
worshiping together; cancer survivors; teens sitting together - - not alone;
accident victims recovering; children brought to their forever families through
adoption. I saw others in the midst of struggles…how God was providing tangible
help during joblessness, counseling to struggling relationships, friendships to
the lonely and hurting.
“See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not
perceive it?
I am making a way in the
And streams in the wasteland.”
Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)
Looking back, I think I was meant to be late to church that
morning for a specific divine appointment that could not be held in my normal
center-of-the-room seat. That morning, I could see some of the new
things that God was working on. And in focusing on what He was doing for
others whose stories I knew, I could feel assured that He was also doing the
same for me…even if I did not perceive it.
1. There are 31 days in January. Can you list
31 “new things” for the new year you see God doing for you or others
you know?
2. Try sitting in the back of your church service, and let
God remind you of His faithfulness.
Along with caring for her family, Carolyn works as an
insurance representative, serves in Oakwood Church as a Community Group leader
and a High School home group leader.