Wednesday, June 14, 2017

By Susan Klein

But when Simon Peter saw that,  he fell down at Jesus’ feet, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’”
Luke 5:8b (emphasis added, NASB)

Simon had been fishing all night, only to bring in empty nets. Discouragement over his tiring-yet-profitless night likely settled in as he neared shore. Then, the One whom everyone was following - - the One who spoke wise words to the multitudes - - approached him. Give it another try, He persuaded. Though doubtful, Simon followed the Master’s bidding. No sooner had he let down the nets than they were bursting at the seams with fish, so much so he had to enlist the help of his partners in another boat to take in some of the massive quantity. Reality hit Simon like a ton of bricks! This was no ordinary teacher of wise words. This was the Lord, Jesus Christ! Humility took him to Jesus’ feet proclaiming his unworthiness of such a great gift.

Sometimes, I feel like Simon. I feel so unworthy, not only to have His blessings lavished upon me, but  to even be in His presence, especially when I’ve sinned. Like a little child, I want to run and hide, almost in fear of His Almighty-ness. I don’t want to face Him in my shame and have my ugliness exposed. Yet, our Lord replies, “Do not fear.” He wants us near Him in all of our brokenness and incompleteness. Not only does He forgive us and desire to be near us, but He also has a plan for us. “Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men,” He told Simon. Wow! A broken and battered fisherman was going to become a fisher of men, equipped by the Lord Himself.

Does  “fear of unworthiness”  ever keep you from drawing near to God? Do you ever wrestle with the fact that He truly wants to use you, just as you are, with all your flaws and failures? He does, you know. His love for you is limitless; His mercies are new every morning. None of us are “worthy”  of His great love, but He gives it so freely and with no strings attached. He doesn’t ask us to earn it, just to accept it.

Next time you are feeling like Simon, instead of retreating, try running full force into the waiting arms of the One who adores you!

1. What hinders you from spending time in His presence?
2. Have you spoken with Him recently about how He wants to use you?


Susan is married to Mark, and has two adult children. She enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and tutoring with the Literacy Council. She is a member of the Peace Team at Oakwood and also co-leads an on-site small group.