Thursday, July 27, 2017

Carriers of the Kingdom
By Susan Klein

 “The kingdom of God does not come visibly, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.”

A few years ago, a friend of mine held a huge family reunion. This was an extraordinary undertaking since it was critical for every family member, immediate and extended, to be present. Besides celebrating all the family in one place, they had another purpose for total inclusion. Members of the World Health Organization (WHO) were coming to the reunion to test every family member to determine who was a genetic carrier of Parkinson’s disease. Knowing it had already surfaced in some, it was a prime opportunity for the WHO to test all members from one family and do some genetic tracking. After testing was completed, each had the option of learning if they were carriers or not. Not all tested desired to know the outcome.

If you could find out you were a genetic carrier of a disease, would you want to know? Would it, perhaps, change the way you lived? Maybe you wouldn’t have children. Maybe you’d make plans for the future in the event the disease manifested itself in your body. Or, would you just keep living the same as always, with the uncertainty of knowing?

Recently, our church hosted a guest speaker who spoke about this “carrier” concept, but in a spiritual context. In Luke chapter 17, Jesus addressed the Pharisees’ question of when the kingdom of God would come. Jesus’ answer to them in the above verse essentially conveys that we (those of us who are Christ-followers) are carriers of the kingdom. If He dwells in us, His kingdom is in us, and we are His hosts, or ambassadors. Knowing and believing this concept should have a critical impact on the Christ-follower’s life choices.

If we are true carriers, what will we do? Will it change the way we live, or will we just keep living the same as we always have? Unlike an unwanted disease, we have acquired a very precious gift, and we need not keep it to ourselves. God is making His appeal to the nations through us. He intends for us to spread His kingdom to the whole world!

Do you know for sure if you are a kingdom carrier? If you are, how are you living in response to knowing this? If you’re uncertain, would you like to know for sure?

1. If you are a “carrier,” spread abundantly!
2. If you are uncertain whether you are a Christ-follower/kingdom carrier, contact a pastor at a church near you, call Oakwood Church at (262) 367-1212 for assistance, or email


Susan is married to Mark, and has two adult children. She enjoys teaching Bible studies, writing, and tutoring with the Literacy Council. She is a member of the Peace Team at Oakwood and also co-leads a small group.