Stephanie LaCasse
“…but whoever drinks the water I give them will
never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring
of water welling up to eternal life.”
One day, a friend at work lamented, “My lips are really chapped.”
She had told me she wasn’t really a water drinker and would even
go all day without drinking any. Even though she knew she should, and despite
how often I reminded her that she needed to drink more water, she chose not to.
The average adult is comprised of about 60% water, and it is no mystery that we
need it to survive. Thirst is one of the signs that you are dehydrated. Someone
once told me that by the time you actually feel thirsty, your body is already
dehydrated. [1]
I was thinking about this today when I came home from work and
felt incredibly thirsty. My mind went to what my friend at work said about her
lips being chapped. You see, I don’t always feel like being in my Bible and
spending time in prayer, but there comes a point when my soul is so desperate
for Jesus that I just have to get into His Word… to be with Him… to have a
drink, a sip of that water that will never dry up.
In the passage above, Jesus is speaking to a woman whom Jews do
not normally associate with, a Samaritan. The woman (who goes unnamed in the
passage) is surprised to find a Jew speaking to her. She is going to draw water
from the well, and Jesus tells her that He could give her living water. Water
that will sustain her, and she will never thirst again. Can you imagine never
having to thirst again?! Our souls thirst, too. But if we have Jesus, if we
remain connected to Him, tethered to Him… we won’t be thirsty. Our soul’s
thirst will be quenched. Forever.
I encourage you to drink. Drink from the One who quenches your
thirst. Be with Him. Even a few minutes a day can fill us up. People search and
search for something, or someone, to fill that void. It’s Jesus. He is the only
One who can fill that void. So… what are you waiting for?!
Drink up.
When you feel yourself getting thirsty, think about Jesus and
the thirst of your soul. How can you quench that thirst today?
How could you encourage someone you know to drink from the
living water rather than turning to anything else in order to fill the void?
Stephanie is a mom of three young sons and wife
to Dave, who is currently in seminary preparing for chaplaincy in the US Army.
In her spare time, she’s employed at a law firm.