Hanging Fruit
By Vernette Kureck
"This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples"
John 15:8 (NIV)
Fall is such a bountiful time of year. Gardens are giving up the last of the produce before the temperatures drop and the vines and branches wither. Orchards are being picked clean so nothing will go to waste. And who hasn't enjoyed the crunch of a bright red apple before it gets ready to drop to the ground? Farmers' markets reveal the choicest and most colorful items. Not only pretty to look at, but oh so good and healthy, too. Who knows how many hours were spent cultivating, fertilizing and weeding? Nothing like reaping the benefits of someone else's labor.
I was thinking of this when I realized we have spiritual fruit that is also available. This fruit is great to look at, and it reveals a healthy relationship with Jesus. Galatians 5:22 tells us that "...the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Cultivated by the Holy Spirit, it ripens as the bearer maintains an enduring relationship with Jesus. Love comes first because it is God's greatest quality.
When Christians rejoice in their salvation, our joy reflects God's character. With reconciliation to God, there is freedom and confidence in approaching Him...with peace being the by product. Patience comes from following God's timetable and plan, and kindness is God's tenderness and mercy. When you help to benefit someone else, goodness is being exhibited. And if it is done consistently and loyally, faithfulness is exposed. Disciples guided by Jesus, the chief Shepherd, are offered rest and comfort with gentleness. Being teachable and grounded in God's Word with self-control demonstrates discipline. All of this bounty brings honor and glory to God.
What is interesting, though, is that the fruit is not for us. It is meant to be given to others. We are to bear much fruit attracting others to God. Sometimes it is easiest to go for the low-hanging fruit. You know what I mean...do the simplest or easiest work first to produce a quick fix or good-enough results. We can have ordinary fruit or hybrid fruit. We can have fruit that looks good on the outside, but is soft and tasteless on the inside. We can have fruit that never matures and just drops off the tree or vine, or fruit that is pruned off. Who wants that?
Or we can have the Holy Spirit's fruit. Ripe. Delectable. Ready to be shared.
1. How is your fruit hanging?
2. Who do you need to share it with?
Vernette and her husband Ken have been married 49 years. They have been blessed with eight grandchildren from their two sons and their wives. She serves Oakwood on the prayer chain and with Family Promise.