Tuesday, May 22, 2018

“In Lieu of Flowers…”
By Susan Klein

“May your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.”

Most people will attend at least one funeral in their lives. Many will send flowers as an act of condolence. It is a tradition that stems from ancient times when the fragrance of the flowers was used to mask embalming odors. In our current culture, sending flowers sends a message to the recipient that we care, and they may bring a little beauty into a sad time.

Occasionally, people will request we use our generosity in another way. We might see a notice in the obituary that says, “In lieu of flowers, please send a donation to…” and then lists the deceased person’s charity or foundation of choice, or the donation request may simply help the family offset funeral costs or meet other needs. While sending flowers is a thoughtful gesture, it’s good to know that there might be a better choice.

The same rings true in other areas of life. We may choose an acceptable option for a given situation, but it may not be the best option. In lieu of making my child’s bed for him because he doesn’t do a good job, I might teach him some tricks to make him a better bed maker. Or maybe in lieu of texting a friend to ask how they are doing, a better choice may be a phone call or a person-to-person visit.

Spiritually speaking, I have to wonder how often I might not be choosing the better option. The story of Mary and Martha always come to mind. Mary chose to prepare a meal for her guests - - a good and needed choice. But Martha (in lieu of busying herself with preparations) chose the “better” option of sitting at Jesus’ feet for a time of spiritual feeding. [1] How often am I so busy with chores and life that I’m neglecting God, or even someone else who might need me?

In Proverbs, King Solomon (essentially) says, “In lieu of presenting sacrifices, do what is right and just, which is more acceptable to the Lord.” [2] While we don’t follow the practice of sacrifice, we do engage in Sunday worship and the giving of time, talents and treasures. While these are all good choices, if I am putting my efforts in the program in lieu of the people, am I making the best choice? If I am giving grudgingly in lieu of choosing a cheerful heart, am I doing what is just and right?

What better option might you consider choosing in lieu of…?

1. Spend time with God asking Him to show you what He desires of you.


Susan is married to Mark, and co-leads an in-home small group. She serves as a mentor to young women, and is a member of Oakwood’s Peace Team, helping people work through conflict.

[1] Luke 10:38-43
[2] Proverbs 21:3