Monday, July 16, 2018

By Sarah Walker

“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”
1 Peter 1:6-7 (ESV)

The well-attested conclusion about my current condition is that it is harmless. Regardless, it’s not very fun. And it has meant I have had to seriously scale back on the number of things I can accomplish in one day. I’ve also had to heavily rely on help from my husband and kids. My body is currently making me feel like something negative is going on - - when exactly the opposite is true.

This being my third pregnancy, the frequent companions of nausea and fatigue are not new to me. And I know from experience that this season will eventually pass, resulting in getting to meet a new life. The side effects may outwardly appear to be negative, but the greater reality is that this new baby is healthy and thriving.

Sometimes, this is how our life situations are. There are many fellow believers who suffer in various forms. Some might even suffer from a physical condition that could ultimately end in death. This does not appear to be “harmless suffering.”

But take a step back and view things from God’s perspective. For those who follow Jesus Christ, death is not the end! Death is not where our story ceases. Jesus has conquered death, and so we can rest assured in our final victory over death where we will live forever with Jesus. The trials and sufferings we face here on this earth, no matter how great, are indeed harmless in the light of eternity.

It doesn’t mean it won’t come with sadness or grief or great pain. But perhaps, like my early pregnancy experience, our sufferings will eventually pass, and we will one day see fruit from our times of hardship that we never would have been able to see had we not walked on that path in the first place.

No matter how difficult your situation may seem, when you are a follow of Jesus, your soul is secure and nothing can separate you from His love…not even suffering or death. In fact, the trials you face could one day point to the fact that “new life” was then growing inside of you during that time - - even when your body and your emotions told you exactly the opposite.

1. Apply this eternal perspective to whatever hardships you are facing today.

Sarah is married to Scott and is a full-time mom to their two young sons. She and Scott are involved in a small group focused on prayer and are expecting to welcome their third child in January.