Friday, March 29, 2019

“Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down this Wall!”
 By Elin Henderson

“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds [a.k.a. walls],”
2 Corinthians 10:4 (NKJV with my addition)

Oh, if only it was that easy, to see an obstacle looming in front of us and simply say like President Reagan did, “Mr. Gorbechav, tear down this wall!”

Nowhere do walls loom larger than in the hearts and minds of people. My husband and I work in a resistant context where the walls seem thicker, higher and have razor wire strewn atop them! But I realize that resistant hearts can exist anywhere, especially in a location where all our needs are met and there are no absolutes. The commentator Warren Weirsbe says, “Once the walls in the mind have been torn down, the door to the heart can be opened.” [1]

How then do we move forward? Satan has built and fortified many mind-walls. Our human efforts are vain and empty against them. There are no wrecking balls big enough, words strong enough, nor personalities bold enough to break through. This battle will not be fought with weapons of the flesh. Instead we are endowed with two simple, yet extremely powerful weapons of the Spirit: prayer and the Word of God.

When studying the armor of God, we find that these are the only two offensive weapons offered. Dependence on the Holy Spirit in ongoing prayer, as well as continued sharing of the Word of God  - -  in word and deed! This may seem like an odd way to break through resistant walls, but when have God’s ways been typical? How many times have those either on and at the walls said, “What on earth is going on here?” What is foolishness to man is awesome power to God.

Our job is to stay faithful, obedient, patient and wield our weapons wisely! Then when He moves, watch out! Because the walls will come tumbling down in such a way that we might be caught off guard. Joshua’s Old Testament battle at Jericho wasn’t over just because the walls came down. He still had much fighting to do. The city had to be subdued. With the walls down, the heart will be open to hear truth. But we must then be available to teach that truth and speak life into that individual.  

So we boldly cry out to the only One who can…“Oh God, tear down this wall!”

GOING DEEPER:                                                       
1.    Who in your life has resistant walls built around their heart? Will you utilize prayer and God’s Word, as you boldly cry, “Oh, God, tear down this wall!”


[1] Weirsbe, Warren, The Bible Exposition Commentary Volume 1, pg 665, Victor Publishing Colorado Springs, CO, 2001.