Don’t Resist the Nail Bearers
By Elin Henderson
“And while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously…”
1 Peter 2:23
As Easter approaches and I think upon the crucifixion of our Savior, I am reminded of a dear man’s recent words to me as I was passing through a particularly difficult time in my life. He said, “Don’t resist the nail bearers.” At the time I didn’t fully understand what he meant, but slowly, as I studied through the crucifixion process and what Christ endured, I began to realize the truth behind it.By Elin Henderson
“And while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while suffering, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously…”
1 Peter 2:23
Crucifixion involved two main parts – nails and nail bearers. So likewise, as we go through suffering, we face the two. The nails are the trials themselves and the nail bearers are what bring them—the tools the Lord uses. Sometimes the nail bearers are circumstances such as a diagnosis of a major disease, but other times they are people. Do you have any particularly difficult people in your life that continually drive nails into you? You think, “My life would be so much simpler without ______ around always ‘nailing’ me!”
In Acts 9 we are reminded that Christ was led, “…as a sheep to the slaughter; and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so He did not open his mouth.” He was silent and lay still when He could have resisted. If there ever was justification for resistance, there it was! He didn’t deserve it, yet He willingly endured the nails and the nail bearers. As I face suffering, I usually do two things: fight it and make a loud stink about it! Christ, on the other hand, reviled not and committed Himself to the Father. Had Jesus resisted the nails and the nail bearers, where would we be today? Similarly, the suffering He sends into our lives is for our good and His glory.
So why do we resist? Let’s face it, it is hard. It goes against all human nature to endure suffering and endure people who cause it. Does this mean we’re to always passively allow any person to do anything at any time in our lives? Of course not, but it does mean we receive every interaction as allowed by our God. And, only the Holy Spirit can enable us to endure, just as He did in Christ.
So, as we face struggles, difficult circumstances, and difficult people, remember that God has orchestrated their part in our lives. He is allowing these nails and the nail bearers, and He has something incredible to teach us about Himself in and through the trial. Let’s not resist, but instead, see them as God’s tools used to sharpen our character.
1. What nails and/or nail bearers are you facing in your life? Are you resisting or embracing the opportunity to allow the Lord to work in your heart?
Philippians 1:29; Romans 5:3-5; 8:28
Oakwood’s missionaries Elin Henderson and her husband Phil serve as church planters with New Tribes in Mozambique, Africa. Elin is mother to nine-year-old Callie and six-year-old Elias.