Fruit or Fear?
By Peggy Kleckner
“When they reached the Valley of Eschcol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs… ’ We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large…’”
Numbers 13:23, 27-28a
In this story, Moses sent twelve men to explore the Promised Land and to bring back a report. They did, and even brought back fruit. According to this verse, it was amazing fruit. One cluster of grapes carried on a pole between two grown men! On top of that, these people have not been enjoying fruit. They have been in the desert for forty years. Imagine finally seeing fresh fruit…extraordinarily large fresh fruit! I would guess that they were all waiting for a taste of that fruit. I wonder if they were hoping for a short report, so they could get to the eating. Then again, how do you divide up one cluster of grapes among that crowd?By Peggy Kleckner
“When they reached the Valley of Eschcol, they cut off a branch bearing a single cluster of grapes. Two of them carried it on a pole between them, along with some pomegranates and figs… ’ We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit. But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large…’”
Numbers 13:23, 27-28a
In any case, even with that huge fruit right before them, ten of the twelve explorers followed up their confirmation of a fruitful land with that little word, “but.” The fruit should have been confirmation of God’s faithfulness in giving them the land, but those ten men chose to focus on fear. Given the choice between fruit or fear, they chose fear. Not only did they choose fear, they convinced everyone else to look past the fruit and choose fear as well! They looked at the occupants of the land who were giants and they looked at the fortification of the cities, but they forgot what God had promised them. He had promised to give them the land.
We read the story and say, “How foolish!” Hmmmm, when was the last time we chose fear over fruit? For me, it was just recently. I have been struggling with doing a task which God has clearly given me. I began it, God showed me the fruit, but then fear set in. After all, who am I to do this work? After hearing this verse, I realized that I could stay stuck in my fear of being too much or not enough, giving God all of my “but” excuses, or I could move forward and trust Him with the outcome.
We really aren’t any different than those Israelites. We too have a choice to make. Which will it be, fruit or fear?
1. What fruit has God been showing you in a particular situation to help you move forward in faith? What fear has captured your attention instead?
Judges 7:9-25; 1 Samuel 17:32-54
Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - two sons and two step-sons. She is the Co-coordinator of Oakwood’s Wednesday p.m. Bible Study.