DIY (Do It Yourself)
By Susan Klein
“For nothing is impossible with God.”
Luke 1:37
My first introduction to the three letters; “DIY,” were in an issue of Country Living magazine. The format includes a DIY, or “do-it-yourself” section, both in the magazine and offered online. It includes helpful household hints, cooking tips, and just general resources for projects you can do yourself. Another magazine, Real Simple, is full of ideas to back their claim of “life made easier.” In my most recent issue I noticed a quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow on the spine that read, “If you wish a thing to be well done, you must do it yourself.” Hmm...there seems to be a theme going on here!By Susan Klein
“For nothing is impossible with God.”
Luke 1:37
As women, we all tend to slip into the DIY mode every now and then. When I was first married, I enlisted my husband’s help in doing laundry since I despised traversing the two flights of stairs to the dark dungeon (basement) that housed my washer and dryer. When he successfully managed to shrink several of my favorite items of clothing, I determined I’d better just “do it myself!” In later years, I encouraged my young children to help wash the dishes. After many dirty plates and glasses ended up back in the cupboards, I decided to just do it myself! Now, I tend to ask myself ahead of time, “Will they do the job the way I want it done, or should I just do it myself?”
Sometimes, I even fall into the trap of doing this with God. I ask Him to do or provide for something, and in my impatience, or if I don’t think I like the way He is answering, I run ahead of Him and try to do it myself. He just lovingly allows me to plow ahead... and to very often fall flat on my face! Other times, I don’t even bother to ask for His help in my haste to take care of the issue at hand. Spiritually speaking, there is no DIY with God. He wants us to be led by His Holy Spirit to do the things He’s prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). And He wants to show us His love and His power by having us trust fully in Him when we ask Him to do something for us. For nothing is impossible with God!!
Relying on the efforts of others will eventually lead to disappointment. Rather than DIY, try turning to and trusting the One who truly can help!
1. What needs have you been expecting others to meet, or are you trying to take care of on your own?
2. Are you willing to ask and allow God to be the Meeter of those needs?
Matthew 19:26; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Ephesians 3:20
Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.