Friday, August 7, 2009

By Elizabeth Cole

“Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
1 Peter 1:13

I spent the last several months looking toward a missions trip to Eastern Europe. I joined my daughter and ten other amazing, diverse people in ministry to orphans in Latvia. We made numerous lists and multiple trips to the store over the previous weeks, all in anticipation of what we’d be doing on the trip. Our precious team met a lot in preparation of our shared adventure, praying of course, but also talking through needs and determining who’d bring what. Each of us packed accordingly. I think we were as prepared as best as we could be…I certainly know we’d been intentional.

What a great picture of the flourishing spiritual life: in meaningful relationships with others, praying and talking through what’s coming next; taking inventory and seeing what spiritual gifts can be contributed to build others up; finding needs and filling them; ever-aware of and motivated by the assigned task.

I’m asking our God this day, in His overflowing grace, to give me a pliable heart with that same kind of intentionality in my focus on Him—in my love for Him, in my “growing up” in Him, in my service to Him. As I travel through the God-allowed adventures in my life, I so want to be well-prepared for whatever He has next on the horizon. The Apostle Peter challenges you and me to prepare our minds for serving, to avail ourselves of the Spirit’s gift of self-control, and to stay focused on the ultimate grace we’ll receive when our travels end and we see Jesus.

I’m very aware that there are some things He’s asked me to pack that I’ve not quite gotten around to yet…and there are some thought patterns in my “suitcase” that need to come out…no room, no use in who He’s calling me to be or what He’s calling me to be prepared to do.

I’m working on packing accordingly.

1. In what areas of your spiritual journey do you need more intentionality?
2. What one thing can you do today to heighten your preparation for whatever God has on your horizon?

Colossians 3

Elizabeth is a wife, mother to three teen-aged daughters, and Director of Women’s Ministries at Oakwood Church.