By Vernette Kureck
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”
2 Corinthians 9:15
To give an unwanted gift to someone else or to give something one previously received as a gift is called regifting. More than half the adults recently surveyed found regifting acceptable. In fact, even the etiquette experts at Emily Post Institute approve of the practice in some circumstances.By Vernette Kureck
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”
2 Corinthians 9:15
Here are some things to consider before regifting: What is the gift’s condition? Only new, unopened gifts should be considered. Don’t give items that have been owned for a long time. Generally, if you have to dust it off, it is not regiftable. Also, what are your intentions? Are you giving a gift just to give a gift? Is this something the recipient would really like or need, or are you giving it because you ran out of time or need to reciprocate? Also, common sense recommends that you only regift items to people who are not going to see the original giver.
What do you think the best Giver of the best Gift thinks of regifting? God’s best Gift, of course, is His beloved Son, Jesus Christ. For some people, Jesus is an unwanted gift. For others, He is the best gift they have ever received and they want to share Him with others. If that describes you, what condition are you in to share? Have you been allowing Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, to work in your life, or do you need to do some spiritual dusting? Generally, the longer Jesus resides in your life, the more the qualities of His love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control should shine forth from you. What you have will be seen as a desirable gift, a wanted gift to those around you—and a needed gift, regardless. Beyond that, the beauty of regifting Jesus is that He is multiplied. It is spiritual math! “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16).
Jesus came as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Most people know the story. But a gift isn’t truly possessed until it is unwrapped and used. God gave His Son to save mankind. To save you. To save me. Someday, we will see the Original Giver and He will know what we did with His gift. Knowing the joy of His salvation, let us rejoice in sharing that truth with others. Give the ultimate regift.
1. Are you prepared to share God’s greatest Gift? If not, what’s holding you back?
John 6:53-57; Hebrews 7:24-25
Vernette and her husband Ken have two children and seven grandchildren. When she’s not “grandparenting,” she’s busy as Oakwood Church’s financial secretary and as part of the leadership team for We Women’s Moms Nurturing Moms.