Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stop Squirming!
By Susan Klein

“He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love...”
Zephaniah 3:17

I have an adorable Calico cat nuzzling her head in my lap right now! She’s purring and squirming with delight as I scratch under her chin. I’m savoring the moment because it won’t last long. While Mia is fully grown, she still looks and acts like a frisky little kitten, playing and pouncing most of the day. She never stays in one place for long, always racing from one thing to the next. I love her to pieces and enjoy watching her silly antics, but am a bit disappointed that she isn’t ever cuddly for more than sixty seconds. And only when it suits her fancy! I desperately wish she would stay on my lap so I could enjoy her for awhile. I just want to lavish my affection on her! But, I know that any second now, she’ll get distracted and move on to something more urgent or entertaining. Yep...there she goes! Off to chase a ladybug.

I bet my heavenly Father wishes I’d sit still more often, too. I get out of bed some mornings with my feet running as soon as they hit the floor. I do try to pray before I leave the bed, but occasionally start drifting back to sleep. And I’m usually racing out the door by 6:45 a.m. to drive my daughter to school. I always have good intentions of getting back home to have my quiet time, but some mornings I decide to go to the gym and work out on my way back. Other mornings, I head to the computer to “check email real quick,” and stay there way too long! When I do finally settle into my favorite rocking chair, I still manage to get distracted by the simplest of sights and sounds. The phone rings and I think I should get up just to see who it is, “in case it’s important!” Or, I look over at the table and see an inch of dust that really needs to be taken care of right at that moment. I’m really no different than Mia!

When God says, “Be still, and know that I am God,” He means for more than a minute! He desires some intense time of aloneness with us so He can lavish His love on us. He truly enjoys our company. If we need to close our eyes so we don’t see the dust, or turn the phone on mute, then so be it. Let’s put aside the distractions of the day, stop squirming, and get cozy with the Father!

1. What are the things that keep you from “sitting still” with God?
2. What steps can you take to resist the urge to squirm?

Psalm 46:10; Isaiah 30:15a, 32:17

Susan is a wife and mother of two. She is the Coordinator of Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study and one of its teachers.