Greater Love
By Carolyn Hulliberger
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God…”
1 John 4:7
Vesta Burgess was a mother. She gave birth to eight children and loved them each deeply. The seventh child was born severely physically and mentally disabled. This child never talked, never crawled, never walked. Each day of this child’s 14 years, Vesta fed her, cleaned her, spoke to her, and prayed for her. While many only saw this child as a burden, and in fact, pushed Vesta to institutionalize her daughter, Vesta saw only a gift from God that she was to nurture. What great love!By Carolyn Hulliberger
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God…”
1 John 4:7
Mr. McKay was an elderly man who believed in helping impoverished students to achieve their college dreams. A man of means, he would allow young men to live in his home near campus rent-free in exchange for household chores. Even upon his death, his will stipulated that first his assets were to be used to help any students currently living with him to obtain student housing for the balance of the school year. What great love!
Mike’s* wife is leaving him. Oh, she’s still in the house, but she has been diagnosed with dementia. Daily he sees changes in the woman he loves. Her physical prognosis is good, but her mind is wasting away. He is determined to care for her, despite the emotional and financial challenges facing them for many years to come. What great love!
Jesus commanded us to love sacrificially. We may not have to face dying in the place of someone else, as He did for us, but each of us is charged to lay down our lives…put others first…make another person’s needs a priority. You may not have a loved one that needs physical care. You may not be able to spend a lot of money. Sacrificial love doesn’t have to be extreme. It can be listening, encouraging, or lending a hand.
By the way, my father was the last student who stayed with Mr. McKay. Without the free room, Dad could not have gone to college. Vesta Burgess was my grandmother and I was blessed to have been loved by her, too.
1. Think of a way today to show someone a little love beyond what you might normally do. And then do it! Some ideas: sending a note, giving a caretaker or young mom a break, or calling a friend with whom you’ve lost touch.
Romans 5:8; John 15:12-13
*Name changed for privacy
Along with caring for her husband, two children and the dog, Carolyn is an Office Representative for State Farm Insurance, serves as a small group leader for Wednesday p.m. Bible study, and is the treasurer for Women’s Ministries.