Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lessons Learned from Sparrows
By Sarah Kosanke

“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Matthew 10:29-31

It was a beautiful summer morning. Dew on the ground, sun in the sky…and there I was in my unthankfulness driving down the road giving God my list of complaints, telling Him about the things I wanted that I didn’t have. Half paying attention to the road and half paying attention to my own lament, I looked up in time to see a sparrow fly across the road and disappear beneath the hood of my car. I looked into my rearview mirror to see the tragic end of this small bird. Immediately, I was reminded of the verse in Matthew 10 that speaks of how God the Father knows even when sparrows fall to the ground.

I was brought to tears due to my selfishness. God provides for all of His creatures. Birds have food and yet they don’t have to store it up in the pantry like we do. God knows our needs; God knows the desires of our hearts and He is also known as the one who provides. Why is it that we, as humans, the best of His creation, are the ones to doubt Him? We are the ones to give Him the list of demands and then expect to see results right away. I know that I am not the only one to feel this way!

God used that little bird’s death to wake me up to the truth that He would take care of my needs and that He knows what I want. God also knows what you need and want before you ask Him. There are even things He provides for us that we don’t think to thank Him for! Waking up in a bed, clean water on tap with which to brush our teeth and take a shower, even luxuries like a radio with music to help us get our days started. Let us together be thankful for what He provides and praise our awesome God!

1. Ask God to show you ways that He has provided for you and for those you love. You will be surprised and blessed by what He shows you.
2. What do you feel that you are in need of? Tell our Creator with a thankful heart.

Luke 12:22-34

Sarah works as a rehabilitation specialist for mentally ill clients in a group home. She teaches the 5th and 6th grade girls at Oakwood.