Fireworks, Festivals and Celebration
By Pam Blattner
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”
Galatians 5:1
It’s almost July 4th! When you think about July 4th, what types of things come to mind? Maybe, you think about a day off from work with picnics, fireworks, and patriotic flags displayed in front yards along your streets. Those are certainly good, but the one word that comes to my mind is freedom.By Pam Blattner
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”
Galatians 5:1
It is a fact that we live in the United States of America where we can voice our opinions freely, and can vote for the people of our choice. These are valuable reasons why we should never take our freedom for granted.
I have a friend who really goes all out decorating for every holiday, including July 4th. I loved walking past his house in July because I could hear Sousa’s marching band music powerfully playing inside the house, and I love seeing our nation’s flag displayed in his front yard for the entire month. The flag means a lot to me because of those in my family, and those of my friends, who have been in wars…some of whom didn’t come home. I think about my father serving in World War II; family members volunteering with the Red Cross then; friends who served in Vietnam, Desert Storm and Afghanistan. Because of their contributions in keeping us all free, I proudly display the flag.
Consider all that the American flag stands for. It represents an emblem of the greatest nation on the earth. It has been carried through centuries in battle. It is placed on the graves of our honored dead who fought for the right to remain a free nation, and it flies high during peace times, as well as war.
As we celebrate national freedom this week, there is another freedom we can have…one more real, more valuable, and never-ending. We can display the “banner” it symbolizes every day of the year, and the music it inspires can play year-round in our souls. That kind of freedom begins with a personal relationship with God and results in our freedom “in Christ” to live a life that glorifies Him. To live a life that flies His banner of love in a way that can be seen by all. Let freedom ring out in your hearts today, girlfriends, and lift high HIS flag!
1. Is there anything in your life you would change right now in order to maintain your freedom in Christ? Take that first step.
2. Do you have the freedom in Christ that starts with a personal relationship with God? If not, and you’d like more information, email us at
Psalm 3:3, 118:5, 119:32; Luke 4:18-19; John 8:32
Pam and her husband Richard have two adult children and two grandchildren. She serves Oakwood through its Family Care and is Co-Coordinator of Touched Twice Ministries.