Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Obedience Training: Lessons in Drool-Free Waiting
By Karen D’Amore

“I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I put my hope.”
Psalm 130:5

With slimy dog-drool puddled in my cupped hand, I’d call out a firm “WAIT!” Once the soaked treat softened with moisture, I’d eventually emit an affirming “ok.” Obsessed with her training treat, she inhaled it with a zealous gulp. As a puppy, Moriah had learned through obedience training to trust and depend on her master. When I displayed her favorite treat open-palmed beneath her nose, she had to wait for my command to retrieve the treat. Drooling and shaking uncontrollably, her attempts to snatch the treat before the affirming “ok” delayed the dispersal of the reward.

As an adult dog, Moriah has mastered this trick. With treats boldly displayed under her nose, she now looks away from the treat and keeps her eyes fixed on me. By focusing on the rewarder versus the reward, she’s learned to trust in my words. “Wait” translates into a delayed “yes,” enabling her to wait expectantly…cool…calm…and drool-free!

Though it’s difficult to teach an old dog new tricks, God’s indoctrinating me in “Obedience Training 101: Lessons in Drool-Free Waiting”! Displaying “treats” before me, He calls out a clear “WAIT!” Fixated on the “treats,” I salivate with anxious anticipation. Shaking uncontrollably, my whining and begging leave me standing in a pool of embarrassing drool. Inept at waiting well, I desperately need remedial training!

Drawing wisdom from my wise old dog, I tried looking away from the “reward” and fixing my eyes on the Rewarder. Acknowledging God’s “wait” as a delayed “yes” enabled me to wait calmly and expectantly. Fortifying my trust and deepening my dependence on Him, lessons in waiting have proved invaluable. Now, what I wait for pales in significance to what He’s doing in me…while I wait.

As Christ-followers, we are called to wait on God. It’s a difficult process that’s developed through obedience training. Waiting tests our submission to Him as our trustworthy Authority, believing in His perfect timing and deliberate delays. It challenges us to take our focus off the natural and allow it to rest on the supernatural. It teaches us to lean on Him alone, placing ourselves at His disposal.

His nail-scarred palms display savory treats; the promises of His Word. Those outstretched palms are open to each one of us. As He desires to reward obedience, let’s sit quietly at His feet…stay focused on Him alone… and heel when He says, “Follow Me.” And in those times when He commands us to “WAIT,” may we wait expectantly…cool…calm and drool-free!

1. Do you need remedial training in anxious-free waiting?
2. How can you be more obedient to your Master?

Isaiah 30:18; Psalm 37:7, 27:14; Habakkuk 2:3

Married to Dan, Karen is a retired police officer, and a recently licensed Nail Technician. She is administrator for Oakwood’s Tuesday a.m. Bible Study, and is a wildlife rehabilitator.