God of the Unlikely
By Elizabeth Cole
"Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, 'Go south to the road—the desert road—that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.' So he started out, and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of all the treasury of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship, and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah the prophet. The Spirit told Philip, 'Go to that chariot and stay near it.'"
Acts 8:26-29
Back in the 1960’s, Joy and her friend Bernie believed that God was leading them to start a neighborhood Bible study. They decided to go door-to-door to invite women, many of whom Joy didn’t know since she was new to that neighborhood. As they made the rounds, they purposefully skipped over one house. In response to a questioning look, Bernie explained, “I know that Wilma. I already KNOW she wouldn’t want to come. She’s a social climber, plus she’ll smoke and make my house smell.”
The next morning, Bernie phoned Joy exhausted, “I couldn’t sleep all night. We have to invite Wilma.” She went on to say that she’d just called Wilma, blandly stating, “You wouldn’t want to come to a Bible study, would you.” To which Wilma immediately replied, “Actually, yes. I’ve always wanted to know about the Bible.”
You know what happened next. Wilma came to understand the relationship Jesus wanted to have with her, and received His gift of salvation and His presence in her life. She went on to share that amazing news with her family, each of whom also received Him. At the time, her husband worked for the government in Boise, but he quit and the family followed God’s call to train for international tribal ministry. My Gramma Joy told me recently that Steve and Wilma served as missionaries in Indonesia for 22 years before retiring.
We serve a God of the Unlikely. I sure am glad Philip not only listened, but obeyed the Holy Spirit’s direction to go the Ethiopian eunuch. The rest of the story includes Philip’s explaining the Holy Scriptures and the eunuch’s turning to Christ in faith. I sure am thankful that Bernie’s heart was tender enough to hear the Spirit’s correction and instruction, and then made that call. And it makes me wonder: Who’s my Wilma? Who’s your Wilma?
Going Deeper:
1. Is there anyone in your life with whom you’re unwilling to talk about Christ? Would you be willing to be made willing, as the Holy Spirit leads you?
Further Reading:
Acts 8:26-39; I Timothy 2:3-4
Elizabeth is a wife, mother to three daughters- - two teen-aged, one adult - - and Director of Connecting and of We Women at Oakwood Church.