Watching the Eagles
By Lexi Cole
“I lift my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
Psalm 121:1-2
My roommate and I have found something great for procrastinating. There’s an online live-stream of a bald eagle family in Iowa.1 It shows a live broadcast of a 5-foot wide nest (that weights about 1.5 tons) with a mommy and daddy eagle and three baby eagles. The average adult bald eagle weighs nine pounds, is three feet tall and has a wingspan of 5-7 feet.2 It’s been addicting. We’ll set up our laptops so we can work on homework while also watching the eagles, and we text each other during the day with “updates.” (“Mommy E is feeding the babies” or “can see all baby e’s right now!”)
There’s something mesmerizing about these eagles. I think part of it is the majesty of the bald eagle and the cuteness of the babies. But beyond that wonder, eagles are uniquely designed for their survival. Every part of an eagle’s structure and function is specific. And while these eagles are captivating to watch, this idea is not unique to bald eagle. All of creation has incredible purpose, structure and function. In my Life Science, Chemistry and Earth Science courses for my education major, I’ve learned how our world was created to fit together; how cells are so small and so integrated, and yet how vast our universe is.
It just makes me stop and be in awe of God and His unending creativity. It is so incredible what He has done for us and the good work that He is carrying out in His people. And at the same time, what a mighty God we serve who has created a world of such detail, design and purpose. What a powerful God who not only desires relationships with us, but also created bald eagles that live because of their perfect design. Scripture is clear that we are fearful and wonderfully made, and created in His image. And yet, God created the whole world too - - a world of beauty, of science, of design, of purpose. His World is a reminder of how mighty God is.
As I watch these eagles, I love seeing how beautiful, cute and powerful they are. While it is good to focus on how majestic God is on our own lives, watching these eagles has expanded my sight and is a great reminder that God is majestic in His creation, as well.
1. Stop in the busy-ness of life and look outside. Think about the intricate design God has created and how this shows His majestic power.
Genesis 1-2:25; Hebrew 4:13
Lexi is an Elementary Education major at Bethel University. The last two summers, she’s been the Children’s Ministries intern at Oakwood.