I Believe
By Peggy Kleckner
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
I love Christmas shows. You know the ones that begin around Thanksgiving time and march us right up to Christmas Day. One of my favorite scenes is from Miracle on 34th Street. The little girl in the movie has been learning to trust in and believe in the character of Santa Claus. This has been a process, which has evolved throughout the movie. Near the end, her hopes seem dashed and she is on her way home from a Christmas party without the hoped-for present. Sitting in the back seat of the car swinging her legs, she repeats aloud to herself, “I believe. It doesn’t make any sense, but I believe.”
Well, that’s a picture of the verse above! We are called to believe and to trust in the character of God when either our circumstances or our own understanding do not line up with who God says He is. It, too, is a process as we walk out our faith with Him one lesson at a time.
When life circumstances look black, it’s hard to believe that God is good and that He loves us. How many times have we heard, “If your God stood by while thus and such happened, I don’t want any part of Him”? Scripture reminds us that in this world we will have trouble and that nothing will overtake us that is not common to man, yet we skip over that and want to believe that bad things don’t happen to good people. The truth of Scripture is just that: truth. Whether we choose to believe it or deny it, it remains true.
So, when I am struggling with a life circumstance that screams, “He doesn’t love you,” I picture the little girl from the movie and I join in her heart’s cry, “I believe. It doesn’t make any sense, but I believe.” Now, I’m not advocating believing in Santa Claus and getting everything you want. Rather, we can choose like the child in the movie to keep believing until our faith becomes sight. Christ has gone to prepare a place for us. One day, my faith will become sight and, just as that little girl saw the home she had dreamed of and recognized that it was hers, I will one day see the home He has been preparing for me!
I believe and trust in God’s character.
1. What life circumstance is calling you to distrust in God’s character?
2. Is there a friend who needs your help to keep believing in God’s character in the midst of her dark place?
Mark 5:36; Mark 9:17-24; John 11:21-27
Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - - two sons and two stepsons, and is an active encourager at Oakwood Church in Delafield. She serves as the Coordinator of Fresh Start.