Wednesday, December 7, 2011

She said “Yes”
By Peggy Kleckner

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered, “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.
Luke 1:38

More than once this weekend God has had this verse read aloud in my hearing. The first was at a Christmas brunch where the theme highlighted that the birth of Christ was heralded by angels. In the first chapter of Luke, an angel had invited Mary into God’s plan to redeem His people. Joseph, her husband-to-be, was invited in by an angel in the first chapter of Mark, and the shepherds were invited by angels to be witnesses to the birth in Luke, Chapter 2. All of these people said “yes” to the invitation. The cost to each of them was different, but there was a cost.

The next time I heard it was during our Sunday sermon. Our pastor’s focus was “surrender.” Mary surrendered to God’s plan. I wonder if she realized all that she was saying “yes” to? I wonder if she just assumed that the birth would be after she married Joseph? Certainly God wouldn’t want her to suffer shame, would He? Certainly He would provide a good home, an easy delivery, friends close at hand. Wouldn’t He? After all, the angel greeted her with the words, “You who are highly favored.” Highly favored by God should come with lots of benefits, shouldn’t it?

Our pastor emphasized for us Mary’s words, “I am the Lord’s servant.” Essentially, Mary knew whose she was and what her position in that relationship was. What God wanted took precedence over any plans or ideas she may have had for her life. Apparently that “yes” was already her heart-song, it is just that we got to hear it when the question was asked.

So, what about me? What about you? Is there a “yes” in our hearts?

Mary asked but one question for clarification from the angel before she said “yes.” With all the amazing news that the angel spoke, basically her only question was, “How can this physically happen, since I am a virgin?” One question. That’s it, sum total, and then she answered “yes.”

Oh, that my Savior would prepare my heart to respond with “yes” to whatever He will ask of me!

1. Is there a hard place in your life that you are struggling to believe that God would allow?
2. Are you willing to ask Him to give you the strength and courage to say “yes” to His plans for you this season and to surrender your will to His?

I Corinthians 13; Romans 5:1-5; Luke 8:11-15

Peggy is a wife and mother of four adult children - - two sons and two stepsons, and is an active encourager at Oakwood Church in Delafield. She serves as the Coordinator of Fresh Start.