Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Humbly at His Feet
By Susan Klein

"One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him - - and he was a Samaritan."
 Luke 17:15-16

The story of the ten healed lepers. I get mixed emotions every time I read it. It’s a wonderful reminder of being “flat-on-your-face” thankful, yet it is also about the nine who weren’t. I fear that I tend to be like the nine way too often.

In the story, Jesus was traveling along the border between Jerusalem and Samaria. As He entered a village, ten men who had leprosy met Him. They voiced their faith in His healing power by their words, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” But Jesus chose to heal them in a way other than what they had anticipated. He sent them on their way to the priests. I imagine there was a bit of grumbling as they walked in the other direction. “Really, He’s not going to heal us? He’s not going to touch us, or have us wash in the river, or pronounce us clean? What can the priests do that He can’t?” It wasn’t until they were off at a distance, but before they encountered the priests, that their skin became like that of a baby. Only one of them, the Samaritan, came back to show his gratitude to Jesus. So, where did the other nine go?

Who do we run to when we have good news to share? When God does something amazing in our lives, or even something not quite in the amazing category, we all have somebody we can’t wait to share it with. And, with good intentions, we even give Him the glory as we recount our story. But, do we first  stop to “praise Him in a loud voice,” or “throw ourselves at His feet” in thankfulness? Though we may not be intentionally ungrateful, we might be forgetting the most important step in sharing our thankfulness.

Dear ones, we have so much to be thankful for. Like the Samaritan, we have been made clean! We share in the glorious inheritance of the saints if we have put our trust in Jesus. In our joy and gratitude for all He has done in, and through, and around us, let us not forget to first praise the One who has blessed us, to get on our knees or face before Him and in a loud voice genuinely proclaim, “Thank you!”

1. In what new and creative ways can you express your thanks to God?
2. How can you challenge yourself to “grow in gratefulness”?


Susan is a We Women Bible Study Coordinator and one of its teachers. She and her husband Mark enjoy tutoring and working with inner-city youth.