Monday, November 26, 2012

Swept Away
By Jen Wollner

“You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High…”

Luke 1:31-32

“I’m already overwhelmed with Christmas and we aren’t even to Thanksgiving yet!” I complained to my husband last week. My goal this year was to get a jump on things so that I didn’t get too stressed in the last-minute rush. Well, it didn’t work! All I’ve done is extend the timeframe in which I feel the pressure of the Christmas season. The planning, shopping, lists, food, parties…all needing to be accomplished amidst kids, laundry, ministry commitments, friendships and more! With everything that’s on my plate these days, I feel like I’m being washed out to sea by the waves of a tsunami.

If your schedule and responsibilities are anything like mine, you, too, may be caught up in the whirlwind of the season. But, as I make my lists and check them twice, it occurs to me that I’ve forgotten something. How could this be? I thought I was so careful and organized, but, well, it happened. In the middle of the hubbub of Christmas, I’ve forgotten the Reason for the celebration…you, too?

The circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus are utterly amazing! How could we let ourselves forget the virgin, the angels, the shepherds, the star…the promise of a long-awaited Messiah…the tiny baby in a lowly manger? Oh, how I desire to be swept away in the wonder of that event instead of weighted down by the tasks of this month. I long to experience the joy of the good news of Christ instead of the empty materialism of the holiday. I’m desperate to regain control over the chaos of this time of year by trading my endless lists for His matchless grace and limitless love. Glory to God in the highest!

As we attend to the “tyranny of the urgent” this Christmas, let’s also vow to take the time to still our minds and hearts, allowing ourselves to be wholly swept away by the love our God showered on us the night He delivered His Son, our Savior.


1. Which of the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth amaze you the most? Why?
2. What steps can you implement to ensure your focus this month is on the Reason for the season instead of just the season itself?


Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20

Jen and her husband are busily parenting three elementary-aged children. She serves on the leadership team for Mission: Hope, Oakwood’s orphan care ministry.